Chapterd 30: Funday Sunday

Start from the beginning

"Now that's out the way, can we discuss the phone thingy?" Joe suggest. Mari and I turn to stare at her as she puts on the cutest biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe, but go get dressed so we can leave!" I demand, she nods and runs to get dress.

"She not getting a phone right?" Mari confirms.


The town carnival was always a popular event around here, and it was always Joes #1 thing to do. She never missed out on the carnival since she's been alive. As soon as we found a parking spot she jetted out the car.

"That never fails," Mari smiles as she goes to chase after Joe. I was left the duty to purchase the tickets. I look for them in the tightly packed area. Knowing Joe she probably went for her favorite ride, "The Jetter". I look through the crowds of people for Joe, where the heck did she go?

"Hey Jay, look who I found," Joe clings to Decks wrist as she smiles at the girl excitedly. Deck stuffs her face with cotton candy, giving me her usual smirk.

"Fuck you!" Deck cheers sarcastically excited. She will not let that stupid "nickname" go I see. Joe nudges her, Joe hates swearers, which Deck forgets constantly. Deck apologizes for her using the bad word and turns to me only to mouths, 'Hi fuck you'. I hate her.

"What are you doing here!?" I think we all know I'm not too fond of Decks presence. I don't think no one ever really is. Except Joe for some odd reason. I guess she made Deck her new favorite person. Deck is literally all Joe mentions 24/7. Constantly asking when she's coming back to finish the game they had going on Joes video game. I guess that shows that my sister needs more friends her age, because of all people she chooses to like Deck.

"I'm on a date!" She states matter of factly. She offers me her cotton candy, but I shake my head no. She shrugs and murmurs, " never offering you shit again!"

"With who? And where is she or he?" I question curiously looking around the area. They aren't attached to her, I know that much.

"You're a nosy little turd aren't ya!" She chuckles. She then taps Joes shoulder to whisper something into her ear. Oh wow, how childish can she be.

"Hi Jay!" Someone yells-rather excitedly. I turn to give the person my full attention, soon realizing it's Nyla, Joes babysitter, waving enthusiastically at me. I turn to Deck and she points proudly at Nyla, indicating that Nyla is her date. I couldn't help but stare at Nyla's face paintings. I notice Decks name painted on her left cheek with a heart. She wears two frizzy ponytails with a pink headband.

Let's just say she looks like she belongs here.

"I see you two have been spending quite some time together." I look upon Nyla's neck and spot several purplish reddish passion marks. She embarrassingly covers her neck with the brightest smile. She then hops in front of Deck to get into the long line.

"That we have!" Deck states pointing at me with a hand full of licorice. Where the heck did she get licorice from? She was just eating cotton candy, what she passed off to Joe.

I stare at the beautiful couple proudly. I look around the area to look over my surroundings and Deck randomly breaks into laughter.

"What's funny ugly?" I groan out, shoving her softly. She stares at me rather annoyed that I touched her. I don't care.

"Are you looking for Ky?" She chuckles while letting that devious smirk return to her face. I turn to stare. at her. Not really in the mood to mention Ky.

"No, why would I be!?" I fiddle with the neon green wristband they give you before you enter the carnival. She shrugs her shoulders and holds up her hands defensively.

"She's around here if you're wandering. With Jackie and Joel, just if you're wandering," she smirks while adding the last part rather quickly. She takes an aggressive bite from the licorice.

"I'm not!" I say rather too defensively which sends Deck into fits of laughter again. Why is she finding me amusing?

"Okay, whatever you say." She still smiles deviously. I quickly leave telling Joe to stay near Nyla and Deck at all times while I go find Mari. At least that's what I tell myself as I find myself looking towards a crowed area noticing Joel try and hit the target of a dumping booth with Jackie and Ky by his side. I stare for a while not thinking.

My breath hitches as I see Ky's simple smirk at something Jackie said. She looks stunning in her boyish look; cargo shorts, Spider-Man dark blue short sleeve shirt, and expensive gym shoes. Her curly short cut light brown hair that I so dearly miss running my fingers throu-

"Remember you broke up with her," I repeat constantly in my head as I stare longer and tears form out of nowhere. Why am I crying? I quickly walk through the crowd so I won't cause any attention to myself. I scurry pass strangers, bumping into to few and having to mutter "sorry" every time I did. I try to get as far away as possible but the constant yell of my name slows me down. I hear someone repeatedly calling "Jay", loudly. I turn and scan through the bodies of people only to spot Mari quickly walking through the multiple bodies to get to me.

"Jay-Jay! Wait Jay Alden," as she constantly repeats loudly as she nears me she yells louder. Her yelling gained many stares and I guess her true intention was to gain Ky and her friends attention because they all turn their heads to look at me, slowly following Mari's  gaze towards me. Once Ky eyes land on me, she just stares with her hands tucked into her pockets.

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