"Shouldn't you be leaving soon?" Megan looks up from her bowl of Lucky Charms.

"Leaving for where?" Harry asks.

"No, his grandma is in the hospital." I sit down on a stool by the counter.

"He who?" Louis spins his stool to face me.

"Her boyfriend." Megan answers, wrinkling her nose in distaste. I don't understand why she hates him so much.

"You're cheating on me?!" Louis puts his hand over his heart dramatically.

"We're not dating Louis." I laugh.

"What's his name?" Harry asks me.

"Taylor." I grab a bowl and pour myself some Lucky Charms.

"Not a very good boyfriend if he canceled his plans with you." Zayn shakes his head.

"His grandma is in the hospital." I defend him.

"Did he give you another date?" Niall speaks up.

I look down at my cereal. "No." I mumble. That doesn't mean anything. He probably had a lot on his mind.

"Terrible boyfriend." Louis fake sneezes.

I grab an apple from the middle of the counter and throw it at him. "Shut up. You don't even know him."

"Let's go to Disney!" Louis completely changes the subject.

"What? No. We can't. You aren't supposed to be in America and you want to go to Disney?" I shake my head at him.

"We could wear disguises." Liam finally joins the conversation.

"Yeah! We've been stuck inside for too long." Harry agrees.

"It's been a day and a half." Megan points out.

"Please!" They all start to beg.

"Fine!" I yell. They start high fiving each other. "But I chose your disguises." They stop and stare at me.

"Fine." Zayn nods.

"Awesome. I have to go to the store first." I walk to the door pulling on my black high top Chuck Taylor's.

Louis runs after me. "Can I come? I'll be like a ninja."

"You're staying in the car." I say. Louis nods running out to my car. "Be back in thirty minutes." I follow Louis out to my car.

"What disguises are you getting?" Louis asks.

"Do you trust me?" I ask him.




"No! No! No!" Louis shakes his head at what I'm holding in my hand. He was supposed to stay in the car, but he followed me. Louis has his jacket hood up to hide his face and huge glasses on.

"It's only temporary. Three days the most." I put the black hair dye in the basket.

"I'm not dying my hair!" He shakes his head.

"Then no Disney." I cross my arms.

Louis's face falls. He glances from me to the black hair dye. "I get to pick their hair color."

"Fine." I agree.

Louis grabs blonde for Zayn. Harry is getting strawberry blonde. Niall is getting dark brown. Liam is probably the worst out of all of it. Louis got a bright purple hair dye for him. It's a good thing it's only temporary.

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