Chris Miles #9

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Plot: Chris gets drunk, and doesn't know what he's saying. You end up helping him get to his bed, and find yourself staying there for the rest of the night. 

''Hey, Y/N..'' you hear Chris say to you, or more like mumble, as he had gotten really drunk, or high, or maybe both. You turn around so you can face him. You giggled at the sight of his drunk self. ''Hey, have I ever told you that you remind me of my fish?'' he says and, at first, you take it as an insult or something, but then you laugh softly. ''Just're a perfect human being, not a fish'' Chris says and gets a lot closer to you. ''You are so drunk, Chris..'' you say, as you blush slightly. ''You know what, yes I am!'' he says and drinks some more beer very quickly. ''But that doesn't change the fact that you're perfect'' he tells you, and smiles widely, as he places his arm around your waist. You blush, again, being too shy to do anything at this point. Yes, you wanted to kiss him, or hug him, or whatever, but you knew he'd remember nothing from this in the morning, so you tried not to do anything you'd regret. ''What's wrong?'' Chris asked you, and took you away from your thoughts. ''Nothing..maybe you should go to don't seem so well..'' you say softly to him. ''Only if you come with me'' he answers loudly and you chuckle slightly before turning around, to get him to his bedroom. 

You soon reach Chris' room. He lays down on his bed quickly. ''You coming?'' he said and smiled at you, like he knew how much you enjoyed seeing that smile appear on his face. ''For what? Sex?'' you say, and cross your arms. You weren't Chris' girlfriend or anything, you had feelings for him, but you didn't want your first kiss, and your first time, to be like this. ''Well, if you want to, sure, but I'm too drunk anyway'' he said, and surprised you. You slowly make your way onto his bed, and lie next to him. You smile shyly. He smirks to you, but doesn't say anything. He suddenly yawns and closes his eyes. ''Come here..'' he whispers to you and opens his arms. You don't hesitate and curle up to him. You place your head on his chest and you wrap your arm around him, while he holds you and strokes your hair. ''Night..'' he says. ''Goodnight'' you tell him, looking up at him as he opens his eyes and kisses you softly, unexpectedly. You smile at him, and close your eyes, to sleep. 

''Oh damn..'' someone says, and with these words you open your eyes, and wake up. It turns out that it was Chris. You rub your eyes a bit, as you feel yourself being sleepy. ''Wh-what?'' you say, confused by his behaviour. ''Y/N..I didn't want it to be like this'' he says, and looks down at the floor. ''We didn't do anything..we just cuddled and slept, don't worry, you did nothing wrong'' you say and get up, frustrated. You thought he didn't even want to think something had happened between you two, even though he showed the opposite last night. ''Don't go yet..'' Chris tells you. ''What should I do here then?'' you say to him. ''Don't be mad..I didn't know what had happened, okay?'' Chris says. ''I just really like you, Y/N, I wouldn't want to ruin anything we have while I was drunk'' he adds, and sits on the bed, looking down at the floor, propably being too shy to look at you. You sit next to him and put your hand on his shoulder. ''You could have told could even have told me how you feel'' you tell him, honestly. ''And what? You think that would work out? And then we'd be together?'' he says and shruggs. ''Yes. Yes, I think this would happen'' you say and he suddenly looks up at you, and into your eyes. He cups your face and kisses you, while he places one of his arms around your waist, and you wrap yours around his neck. You kiss him slowly and passionately. ''Think it would work now as well?'' Chris tells you when the kiss is broken and you giggle at that. ''Yeah, I think it would'' you say, and kiss him again with just as much passion as before.

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