37. James Cook • 6

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Plot: Cook gets jealous when Freddie kisses you, and claims you're only his. 

You dressed up so nicely. You made sure what you would be wearing something that Cook would like. Lately, you've been wanting his attention so much. You talked often and you developed feelings for him, and you thought he did too. He stopped talking to you so much, at some point, and you thought it was odd but still, you didn't give up on him. 

You knew he would be in that bar so you decided to go there. Just to see how he would react seeing you so gorgeous. You walked in, and immediately spotted Cook and Freddie. You acted like you didn't see them though, and went and sat at a table a little further from them. You were looking at them when they weren't looking and you could feel their eyes on you too. Freddie waves at you to come to where they are sitting. ''Looking good'' Freddie says, but Cook stays silent, looking at you for a second, then taking a sip of his beer. ''Well, thank you'' you say smirking. Freddie stands up and gets close to you. ''Look, I've noticed that you were staring us, and I just want to take you out of here..What do you say?'' he says. ''She wasn't staring at you'' Cook says, kind of angrily. ''Yes, she was. Weren't you, baby?'' Freddie asks. ''N-no'' you say but Freddie was already kissing you. You pushed him away quickly. ''Hey!'' he says but doesn't talk more, as Cook has now punched him in the face. ''So cool of you dude!'' he says. Cook looks at you and propably without thinking, he takes your hand and takes you out of that bar quickly. ''W-what are you doing?'' you ask him, but don't let go of his hand. He looks at your eyes. ''You're only mine'' he says and you stop walking after you realise what he had just said. ''I thought you didn't like me much'' you tell him. He comes closer. ''You're not the only one that has been staring. You're looking so fine tonight'' Cook says and wraps his arms around your waist. You don't hesitate, and put your hands around his neck and kiss him. The kiss is passionate, and you can feel yourself melt onto his lips. ''That was something'' Cook says and smirks. ''Shut up and kiss me again'' you tell him, also smirking and looking into his eyes. ''As you wish'' he says and kisses you again. This time, you can feel him smile through the kiss.

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