Christmas Imagine

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•Few people said they would like something like this so tada! This is for any skins character, as making for only one wouldn't be fair. So, imagine whatever you want :) Hope you like it and so sorry for the short length of it! 

''It's the first Christmas we spend together, we gotta do something special'' you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend as you cuddle in bed together. ''I think I do have something planned for us..but it will be a surprise'' they say and kiss your nose. ''Oh now I'm anxiously excited though!'' you say and they chuckle at that. ''You'll just have to wait babe'' they say.


''Morning beautiful'' they say and wake you up from your sleep. ''Hey..'' you say but you don't even open your eyes as you want to sleep more. ''Merry Christmas'' they say and hold you close. You give in to the hug as you say ''Merry Christmas'' too. ''Well, wake up and get dressed, we got stuff to do'' they say and hit you with a pillow. ''Alright'' you mumble as they leave the room to let you wear your clothes.

''First we have to go to our friends, spend some time there, and then we'll do something together, alright?'' they say and you nod while you put on your jacket. 

You drove to your friends' house. You stayed there for couple of hours having fun but you bf/gf told you it was time to go. 

After that, you went to this big centre, where everything was really holiday-like and it was wonderful. You also bought some presents for family and friends. 

There was even a band there, and they conviced them to play some of your favorite songs, which was awesome. 

At night, you went to some restaurant for dinner, which was cool although you insisted that it wasn't necessary after everything else. ''But you deserve it all'' was their answer to that and it made you smile big. 

Then, when you returned home, you watched their favorite Christmas movie. You didn't love it, but it was nice, 'cause while you were watching it, you cuddled and made out a lot. 

When it was over, you went to bed. ''Um, I only have one question after this day..'' you say. ''What is it?'' they ask. ''We bought all these presents..but you didn't buy me anything?'' you tell them, you didn't want anything, but it just seemed weird. ''Well, you have my heart, what else do you want?'' they answer and you obviously giggle shyly to that. 

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