46. James Cook • 7

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Plot: Cook and you have been fighting a lot, and you learn why is he doing that at Naomi's party

You were at Naomi's house, celebrating her birthday. Emily had thrown a surprise party for her and she invited all of you. You were just dancing when you bumped to someone. ''Ahh man!'' you hear Cook say and you turn around to see that he spilled his drink all over himself because you bumped to him. ''Oh thank you so very much Y/N!'' he yells. 

You got into fights with Cook a lot. You didn't know why, it just happened. You didn't want to fight him, mostly because you actually liked him. You even thought you loved him. When you weren't fighting, you were having deep converstations with each other, and you loved that he opened up to you easily. 

''Stop screaming, it was an accident, okay?'' you yell back. ''You could have been more careful!'' Cook says loudly. ''Yeah, well, it's just some beer, it can get cleaned!'' you tell him but you also notice that the rest of your friends are staring at you. ''So you want me to just stay here with my beer shirt or is it gonna get magically cleaned, huh?'' Cook yells again. ''Yeah and-'' you begin to say but you're stopped. ''Alright, that's it! You both get out of here!'' Emily yells and grabs both of yours and Cook's arms to lead you outside. ''I just asked you to keep calm for one day! One goddamn day and there you are fighting again! Did you ever think how my girlfriend will feel right now? Her friends fighting at her birthday party?'' Emily yells and closes the door with you and Cook outside. ''You happy now?'' you say and sit down on the grass. ''Too happy!'' Cook says and sits down next to you.

''Why do we fight so much, Cook?'' you say after many moments of silence. ''I don't fucking know'' he answers. ''There must be a reason'' you mumble. Cook doesn't answer. ''I have a theory'' he says after a while. You turn around to see his face, but he isn't looking at you. ''Maybe..maybe I just want to talk to you more..I just don't know how..'' he continues. ''So you start a fight..'' you say. ''Yeah..'' he admits. ''But, why don't you just talk to me? I mean, I won't...I won't turn you down or something. Also, fights are tiring. Not only for us, but for our friends as well. You saw what happened today..'' you tell him and you can feel his eyes scanning you. ''I just.. it doesn't sound like me..'' he says. You both stay silent, and you don't know what to say next. ''Do you like me?'' you ask him, propably without even thinking it first. ''Y/N..'' Cook says and you feel your heart beat getting faster and faster. ''..I don't know..I have these..feelings..'' he says and you stay quiet. ''I've never felt like this for anyone. I just..I just want to spend every hour of every day with you, I open my eyes in the morning and you're the first thing that comes to my mind...What the fuck is wrong with me!?'' Cook says and he runs his hands through his hair. ''Cook..'' you say but he stays in the same position, propably afraid to look at you. ''I..I love you'' you say. Cook then looks at you, and seems shocked. He leans closer to you. You get closer to him too. Then you close your eyes, and before you even realise it, his lips are pressed to yours. You put your hands on his neck and his arms are around your waist. You're making out, and you feel yourself smiling through the kiss. ''So I guess you're not fighting any more, huh?'' you hear someone say and you jump off of Cook's lap to see Emily giggling with the door open. ''I just thought you were done yelling so I would let you back in, but you're already having fun here as I can see'' she says, smirking and you blush. You and Cook get up and go back to the party. ''Are we together now?'' he asks. ''If you want us to be'' you whisper to him, so Emily can't hear you. Cook then holds your hand, as a sign, to show you that he wants you to be together and you smile shyly. 

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