41. Maxxie Oliver • 5

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Plot: Maxxie is there to comfort you after a fight with your parents.

Request By: SepticplierFangirl7

Since the night, you met Maxxie, you became friends. Being his friend was awesome. He cheered you up when you felt really sad, he hugged you tightly and things like that. You soon developed feelings for him, but never admitted anything as you thought he was so nice to you because he was like that to all his friends, so you were nothing special to him or so you thought. 


''Maxxie?'' you say crying. You just had a fight with your parents. It was really bad. They don't even want to look at you after that. ''What? Are you crying? What happened, Y/N?'' he tells you, worried. ''My parents..we kind of fought.'' you say, trying to calm down. ''I'm coming over. I'll get you out of there, okay? We can talk then.'' he says. ''No! Don't come, my parents will get angrier at me.. I don't want that..'' you say, but you wanted so much to go with him. He was the only one that would get you to feel something now. ''Just..you have a back door or something? Can't you sneak out? I wanna see you..'' he says and you think that you can. ''Okay..I'll wait for you'' you say smiling, but only a bit. ''I'm coming as fast as I can.'' he says and hangs up.

You find yourself putting some clothes and other stuff in a bag. You stop crying and try to leave the house without anyone seeing you. You succedded, surprisingly. 

When you got out, Maxxie was waiting in his car. You opened the door and got it. ''You okay?'' he says looking at your eyes. You feel like you're going to cry again. ''I will be'' you manage to say.

Maxxie drove you to his house. He was alone, as his parents were on a special trip. ''Tell me..what happened?'' he says. ''Oh, Maxxie'' you say and fall on his shoulder. He puts his arm around you and begins stroking your hair. ''It's all better now. I won't let them make you cry again'' he says. ''Can you? Please, can you do that?'' you say and curl up to him more. ''I hope I can..'' he says and kisses your forehead. ''If they don't love me..who will?'' you say, crying. ''Me'' you hear him say, but he propably didn't want it to be heard as he only whispered. ''What?'' you say shocked. ''You..you heard that?'' he says, obvisously shocked too. ''Say it! Just do it'' you say and whipe the tears away. ''I..I love you..I think..don't freak out!'' he says. You giggle a little. ''Maxxie..'' you begin to say ''I love you too! I love you so much..'' you say. Maxxie gets closer to you. He lifts your head up with his thumb. ''Don't cry. You're strong, I know you are'' he tells you smiling. ''You really think I'm strong?'' you say. ''Of course..'' he says and brings his face closer to yours. You kiss and he pulls your waist closer to him. ''Do that again'' you say, smirking. He says nothing, only smirks and then kisses you again, with more passion this time. ''You're staying here tonight'' he says when your kiss is broken. You nod and smile. You move to Maxxie's bedroom. He tosses you one of his shirts as he noticed you hadn't brought something to sleep in. You change clothes and then get to his bed. You curl up next to him and you cuddle. ''We're going to your parents tomorrow so you can talk to them, okay?'' he says while stroking your hair. ''Okay..as long as you're there to protect me..'' you tell him and kiss him. ''I'll always be there'' Maxxie says and closes his eyes. Something felt better inside you, like now that you got together everything would be fine from now on. 

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