Chris Miles #8

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•I apologise for the delay, hope you like this one :) And just asking again, would you like me to post Christmas Skins Imagines soon or not at all? 

''I love you, Chris, I always did''

These words you told only minutes ago were playing in your head again. After some encouragment from your friends, and a lot of thinking with yourself you had decided to tell Chris how you really felt about him. You didn't care if he didn't feel the same, you just thought it would be right if he knew. Also, you really did think that he liked you even a little bit, so why not? But you had done a big mistake, apparently. Chris told you he didn't love you, he never had feelings for you. After his words, you dissapeared from his apartment with tears rolling down your cheeks. 

You want a friend right now, so you call Cassie. She may not have been the best choice, as she was living with Chris, but you didn't care, you trusted her the most and she had been by your side multiple times. ''Oh hi!'' she sounds happy when you call her. You wait a second before you speak ''C-Cassie, can you..'' you start saying ''Y/N, what's going on?'' she says, worried. ''Okay, I'm coming to your house, don't cry, I'll be here in a second'' she tells you, and hangs up. 

Fortunately, you were really close to your house, and Cassie came seconds after you stepped in. She was really comforting, being there for you. She was telling you that she thought he did like you, as she had even heard him talking about you many times, even in his sleep..but she didn't know afterall. 

You just wanted to forget all this, so you decided to go with Cassie to a party Maxxie was throwing. 

~At the party

''Hi!'' Maxxie almost screams as he sees you. ''I'm glad you came!'' he says and then leaves, after you and Cassie smile to him. You tell Cassie that she can go with Sid, who wasn't too far away. You saw how he was looking at him, and you didn't want to hold her much longer. As she leaves, you spot Chris, who is coming closer, as he notices you. ''We have to talk'' he says and takes your hand, leading you to Maxxie's room. 

''I'm going to talk and you're going to listen, alright?'' he says, and you nod, but you're close to tears. You couldn't be around him after what happened just few hours ago. ''I lied, I do love you'' he begins, but you still don't know. ''I just..don't wanna mess this up..I've ruined everything in my life, I wouldn't want to ruin you, I wouldn't want to ruin us..'' he says. You think it's the first time he opens up to you. ''You won't ruin anything, Chris. You didn't even try..'' you say, obviously upset. ''But..I'm scared, okay?'' he says, crossing his arms. ''So, what do you want to do now?'' you say and do the same, copying him. Chris takes a deep breath. ''I wanna do this'' he says, and immediately grabs your face and kisses your lips. You don't hesitate, and kiss him back. You break the kiss. Chris' cheeks have turned red, but you thought it was adorable, so you chuckled. ''So, you want to try it?'' you ask. Chris just nods. ''And I also want to try this again'' he says and does the same thing he did before, without warning he kisses you. But you think you like it. Yeah, you do like it. You like it a lot. 

-Skins Imagines-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ