38. Mini McGuinness • 1

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Plot: After you help Mini with the Fashion Show ( ep. 5x03 ), you both confess your feelings for each other.

Each time you saw Mini you were like 'she's the sweetest thing ever'. But you hated it when she was a bitch. She always acted like one. She believed in ''it's better to be feared than loved''. But you knew she wanted to be loved. You could read her like an open book, and you couldn't help but fall in love with her. You just wished she felt the same way, which you thought she did as when you were alone, she would always smile.


You walk past the hallway when you hear ''SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!''. You walk into the room from where that came and you see Mini panicking. Everybody in the room then leaves and you stay there looking at Mini, who is looking at you but doesn't say anything. She couldn't say anything. ''What happened?'' you ask consered and walk up to her, touching her arm. ''Everything's ruined. The fashion show...it can't go on..'' she says and you both sit on the small couch. ''I bet it can. I'll help you, if you want me too'' you tell her. She turns her face to look at you, and chuckles. Her smile soon dissappears though. ''Thank you..really..but I'm not sure if we'll make it'' she says softly. ''We can try. We have nothing to lose anyway, right?'' you tell her, while holding her hand. ''Sure'' she says and squeezes your hand.

~Time Skip (you help Mini and everything goes well)

~Time Skip (fashion show happens)

''You were fantastic!'' you say and hug Mini. ''Thanks! You know, I wouldn't have done this without you..'' she tells you and blushes. ''Why are you so nice to me? I'm not always nice to you, why don't you do the same to me?'' she says, and looks serious. You hesitate answering, as you're afraid you'll say the wrong thing. ''Because I know..I know you're not really mean or anything..you just act like it 'cause you're afraid..you're afraid of losing the respect you've gained..but really..you shouldn't worry about that..Everybody knows how bitchy Mini McGuinness can be when she wants it'' you tell her and she giggles. You sign, as you're relieved she didn't find your answer weird or anything. ''When did you get to know me so well?'' Mini asks and bites her lip, while coming closer to you. ''Uh..I guess I-'' you begin to say but stop your sentence as Mini puts her hands around your neck. She looks deep into your eyes, propably to see if you are cool with whatever she is going to do. Eventually, you kiss each other, passionately. ''I wasn't sure this would be coming..'' you say and Mini giggles. ''Well, you should have been. I've been loving you for like, I don't even know how long..'' she says. You put your arms around her waist. ''I love you too, Mins. You should know that.'' you tell her, smiling. She kisses you again, with more passion, showing she really does love you. ''I know'' she says, smiling when your kiss is broken. 

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