Rich Hardbeck #4

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•I was gone for too long, I'm really sorry about that, I'm going to make it up on Christmas though :) And since I said Christmas, would you guys want Christmas themed imagines? If so, tell me in the comments or pm me :) This is for queen_oswald , I hope you like it ♥

''Rich, hear me, you have to listen to this, it's not that bad!'' you say to Rich. You're trying to get him to listen to a more toned down kind of music, something else than metal. ''No, it's shitty, I'd like to just stay to my metal bands okay?'' he tells you. ''But you haven't even listened to it, how can you say it's shitty!?'' you try to convice him. ''Whatever, who's the artist or band or whatever? I don't think I'll look it up but tell me'' he finally says and you tell him to what he should listen to. 

~Next day

You see Rich getting to school, so you approach him to talk. He has his headphones in his ears, just like always. ''Hey'' you say, and he just waves, kinda nervously. ''So, what are you listening to right now?'' you ask him. ''Um nothing, just the usual, Drowning Pool and stuff..'' he tells you. You go closer to him, so you can listen to the music playing, and you're certain it's not Drowning Pool or something metal, or hard rock anyway. Then you realise, it's what you told me to listen to. ''Oh my god, Rich! This is no metal, it's not even close to metal!'' you say, kind of laughing, realising he didn't want to tell you he actually liked what you suggested. ''It is! You didn't listen well, alright?'' he tells you, a little bit mad, or just embarassed. ''Find better excuses next time'' you say, smirking. ''Okay, fine, it's what you told me to listen, happy now?'' he says and crosses his arms. ''Very, very happy, yes'' you say and laugh. Rich kinda laughs too, propably realising he shouldn't have been so embarassed for listening to it. ''You know, I thought it would totally suck, but it turns out it's kinda cool. A break from that much metal'' he says and chuckles. ''I'm really glad you liked it'' you say. ''And you know what you should do now?'' Rich tells you and smirks. ''Get away from you so you can continue listening?'' you say and you both laugh. ''No no..I was just going to say that you should listen to some metal, or even rock, since I listened to what you suggested'' he tells you and you smile. ''Sure..but I'll leave you now, to listen to this ''shitty music'''' you say, giggling, and continue walking. 

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