11. Emily Fitch • 1

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Plot: Emily and you like each other, and she finds an opportunity at Pandora's party to get to you.

You weren't sure if you liked Emily if she liked you but you did feel some sort of a connection between the two of you. Also, you hadn't made a move 'cause Emily didn't seem so interested in any romance. So, you were just enjoying her company without putting too much effort or thought into your relationship and feelings. 


You had been invited to Pandora's sleepover and you knew Emily was going to be there so you tried to look great. Maybe for her, maybe not for her. Emily was there when you arrived and smiled as she saw you. ''Hey!'' she said with excitement and took your hand. Then she lead you to Panda's room, where you stayed for the whole day playing games, dancing and other stuff.


Everyone in Panda's room were sleeping. You were the only who wasn't. Or so you thought. You feel someone touching you, as you were laying down. ''Hey, Y/N, are you awake?'' you hear the person say. You turn around and see Emily. You smiled at her. ''I knew you were not sleeping. Come with me.'' she whispers. You were confused but you followed her. She lead you into the kitchen. Propably because there was no one there and if you talked, then nobody would hear you. Then, she touched your shoulder to keep you steady and kissed you without saying anything. You were shocked at first but then gave in to her soft kiss. ''I hope I didn't scare you'' Emily says when she breaks the kiss. ''Well, you did'' you say and you both giggle. She tries to kiss you again but you stop her saying ''Hey, what are you doing again?'' smiling, wanting to tease her a little bit. ''I'm trying to kiss you'' she says. ''So you do like me, Emily Fitch'' you say smirking, which made her crazy in a good way. ''Yeah I do! Can I kiss you and call you mine now?'' she tells you and you nod, kissing her again. 

After some more kissing, you went back where you were sleeping. You cuddled a little and then fell alseep in each others arms. 

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