6. Maxxie Oliver • 1

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Plot: You wake up at the hospital, with Maxxie on your side, after overdosing. After that, he realises how much he wants to be with you, so he tells you about his feelings, while he makes sure you're okay.

''Please wake up..'' you heard someone say. You woke up because of that and realised you were in the hospital. Maxxie was next to you, propably waiting for you to wake up. ''M-Maxxie?'' you say. ''Oh thank god you're okay. You fricking scared me. Don't ever do something like that again.'' he tells you but you have no clue. ''What happened?'' you ask him. ''We were at a party last night and you overdose. You don't remember?'' he asks you. ''No..not at all'' you tell him. ''Maxxie..I'm sorry. I souldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done drugs in the first place. Please f-forgive me..I didn't mean to put you in trouble..'' you tell him, and you almost cried but didn't. ''Don't worry. No trouble, really. You just scared me. I-I thought I lost you. I would go mad if I lost you.'' he confesses to you and you smile at him. ''You're not going to lose me. Ever.'' you ensure him. ''Wanna come to my place after you get outta here?'' he suggests and you accept.

At this point, your parents come in the room with the doctor to check up on you. 


At first, your parents didn't want to let you go with Maxxie, because they were afraid that this would happen again. You knew that they didn't care if you died or not, they only cared about the money they would have to let go to pay for your treatment. They weren't good parents afterall. As soon as you arrived at Maxxie's house, you saw that Cassie, Michelle, Sid and Tony were there. ''Are you okay?'' Cassie asks you, appearing really worried. ''I'm fine, Cass. Thanks for asking.'' you tell her and she smiles. ''Don't worry, it was going to happen some time.'' Tony says. ''But we should get going. You wouldn't want many people around you now, I guess.'' Michelle says and they all goodbye you and Maxxie, before you even respond. You hear Sid say ''Use protection'' to Maxxie, without wanting you to hear it but you did. Maxxie just said ''shut up'' and closed the door. 


He walked you to his bedroom and you laid on the bed. ''I know drugs are awesome but..you should propably stay away from them..'' Maxxie says. ''I will, and stop worrying about it. What matters is that I am fine now, okay?'' you tell him and smile. ''I know..'' he answers and starts looking deep into your eyes. Then, all of a sudden he kisses you and you kiss him back. ''I love you'' he says, when he broke the kiss. ''I love you too, Maxxie'' you tell him, and kiss him again, making sure you show him how much you love him and that you're never going to leave his side.

-Skins Imagines-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें