43. Sid Jenkins • 2

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Plot: You secretly don't eat anything, because you think it will lead to you being prettier, but your boyfriend tells you the opposite and comforts you.

Request By: Chelsea707060

''Wanna go out to eat or something?'' Sid tells you, while you are laying on his bed. ''Um no..I've already eaten'' you say but you hadn't eaten anything. You hadn't eaten anything in days. ''Y/N, you came here in the morning, now it's noon, you must be hungry. Let's go get some lunch.'' he says. ''Ahh, I ate a lot in the morning..'' You lie, again. ''Okay, we've been dating for a while, I know when you're lying..'' Sid says but you stay silent. ''Why don't you wanna eat?'' he says, while stroking your hair to comfort you. ''I guess I'm not that hungry, okay?'' you say and smile at him. Although, that's not the reason. You wanna get skinnier and skinnier until you feel beautiful and good enough for Sid and your friends. ''You have to eat something. You're beautiful but you don't know it! You don't have to get thinner at all, why can't you just get it?'' Sid says and sits up on the bed. ''Sid..this..'' you begin to say but Sid stops you. ''No! Why can't you believe me when I tell you, you're beautiful and you're perfect just the way you are? Have you ever even thought about it? Have you ever thought how I would feel if something bad happened to you? Obvisously not! I would get crazy! Remember when Cassie went to the hospital 'cause she was starvinig herself? Remember how sad we all were? If that happened to you I would..I would cry my eyes out all day! I don't know if I could live with that, okay?'' Sid finishes and turns away so he is not looking at you. You feel tears running down your cheeks but you don't say a thing. ''I never wanted to upset you..I..I just want to look beautiful for you..'' you say. Sid then looks at you. ''But babe..'' he says and pauses, coming closer to you. He puts his hand on your cheek, wiping away your tears. ''You're already beautiful..you always were..'' he says and you lean forward to kiss him. He gets his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. You legs are wrapped around him as you sat up. ''I love you'' Sid says. You kiss him again. ''I love you too'' you say and chuckle. You kiss again and then Sid said he would cook you something so you can eat together. 

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