James Cook #13

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•Whole imagine is by YoutubeTrash, follow her, she's really good! Thank you for helping me with this one!

Cook passed you a cigarette, lighting it with his lighter as the taste of nicotine filled your mouth and thick clouds of smoke danced around your lungs. "Alright, princess. What's happening with us then?" He said, in that classic cocky tone you were so used to. "I don't like you, Cook. After all, you have slept with pretty much all my friends, or at least tried to." You said, brushing him off as you drilled your cigarette and walked into collage. "What was that about?" Pandora asked you, you rolled your eyes and turned to Effy. "Nothing, Panda. He's a dick." You said, knowing he could hear you from where he stood just metres away at his locker with JJ. "You know, he likes you." Effy said, to your surprise. "Yeah, and pigs can fly Ef." You said, she laughed and you walked with her and Panda to your lesson.

The day dragged, but soon you were walking home, before you were interrupted again by Cook. "Look, man just come to this party tonight. Everyone's going, like even JJ. It's gonna be insane, yeah. What do you say?" He asked, arm slung around your shoulders. "Yes, yes I'll come." You said, he smiled and cheekily pecked your cheek. "See you then!" He laughed, walking away.

You got ready for the party and couldn't help but feel happy to see Cook tonight, he'd just always been so, likeable. But you knew he was a heartbreaker, after what he did to Panda you couldn't trust him. "Righty ho ladies and gentlemen, here we are!" Cook said, in the middle of a street. "Are you having a laugh?" Effy said, rolling her eyes. "Relax kids, party is right here." He smiled. "Cut the shit Cook, where's the party?" You said, getting impatient. "It's the sound of the underground." He smirked, lifting a drain to reveal an underground rave. He climbed in, before the rest of you followed. "Impressive." You smiled, he smirked. "Yeah?" He said, pulling you close. "I know you like me, babe." He smiled. You rolled your eyes again. "And?" You said, dancing with him. "Well, I like you too. So me and you, we should, y'know?" Cook said, you laughed. "James Cook, are you asking me out?" you asked him, teasing playfully. "Yes, yes I am. But not if you call me James." He said. "Well, Cook, I'll give you a chance." You smirked, kissing him.

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