“Hello?” I answer.

“Hey Rachel its Kurt, how are you?” He asks.

“I’m a little better, my friend is dragging me into this club that I don’t even want to go to.” I wine.

“Well it’s good that you’re getting out…………….what club?” I can hear noises in the background but I choose to ignore them.

I look up at the sign and I see the sign and I can’t help but laugh.

“Um, well it’s called Foxy’s…………..it’s kind of a funny name if you ask me, but I hope it looks better inside than outside.” I hear his laugh and then realised how much I missed it.

“Oh that sounds amusing, never thought I would see the day when Rachel Berry was going to a bar.” he chuckles.

“It’s Spencer, she’s a bad influence.”

“Well ok then………………….look I have to go, I’ll talk to you soon…..bye.” Well that was odd. I shake the thought out of my head when I see Spencer walk towards me with the security man on her arm.

“Rach we’re in…………..Let’s go.” She tugs my arm and before I know it, I was surrounded by people grinding on each other and in the corners of the bar, couples were making out. But even though it’s disturbing, the thing that caught my attention was an abandoned stage in a make out free corner. Spencer seems to realise my staring and nudges me, I look over at her and she has a surprised look on her face.

“How could I have not realised this sooner, in order to get you out of your funk you would have to sing about it.” I think about it for a while and then I agree with her. I haven’t sung in a while. I nod and she leads me to the bar where the manger stood, well he looked like the manger.

“Excuse me sir, will it be ok if my friend got up on that stage? She’s amazing, she’s on Broadway.” The guy looks at Spencer and then at me. He looks around the club and then he nodded.

“No one’s sung up there in a long time, you sure you’re up for it?” He asks me. I then nod rapidly.

“Go get them shorty!” Spencer pushes me towards the stage after slapping me on my bum.

I walk up to the stage and look around the club. Everyone’s to busy trying to hook up to even realise that I’m standing there getting ready to sing my heart out.

Here goes nothing.

Finn’s POV

“Where is she?” I ask Kurt as I hail a taxi.

“Some club named Foxy’s.” He shrugs.

“Foxy’s? That doesn’t sound safe.”

“She’s a grown woman Finn, let her be.”

I look over at Kurt who is now humming ‘Let It Be’ by the Beatles. I give him the death stare and that’s when he stops. We jump in the cab and I tell the driver to take us to the club. Little did I know I was going to hear about the driver’s whole life story.

“……..and then I met her at this club and we really hit it off. I excused myself for a moment because I have a small bladder and I needed to go, and then when I returned she was gone, and the whole night I was wondering why she left, I still don’t know why she left.”

“I could tell you a few reasons.” Kurt chimes in until I give him another death stare.

“What, you really think it’s me?” And that’s when hell began. The weirdo started crying.

The Choice I RegretNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ