In the corner of my eye I could see that girl that always comes up to me and twiddles her really badly dyed hair giggling with her “friends” and looking over at me. One of the girls pushed her over in my direction and she started walking up to me. Shit! Not this again. Oh god she's here.

“hey Hunter” she tried sounding seductive but she sounded like she had a bad throat or something. “hello..” “Cindy”. “yeah yeah Cindy”. Cindy started twiddling her hair “so Hunter I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime”. She reached forward and started stroking my chest up and down. I sighed “can you just leave me alone already? This is the 3rd time this week so this is the 3rd no now go away” Cindy huffed and walked off whilst mumbling”you will regret that”. I laughed me regretting not going with the thing.

Suddenly a huge crowd of people from the school headed towards the front of the car park. Some jock shouted to his other annoying jock friends “ some new kid has a white Lamborghini”. Where have I seen a white Lamborghini?. Beats me. Another one of the jocks shouted to his friends “holy shit a chick the car”. She’s probably going to be a bitch like the rest of the rich kids here.

Suddenly everyone took at step back when I heard the girl say “ yes a chick drives this car so now can you move away from it before you dent it”. I laughed someone’s a bit feisty. The crowd parted and the girl walked through.

HOLY SHIT!. That's the English girl from yesterday. She was wearing a pair of black high waisted shorts and a tight blue long sleeved crop top which showed off her flat stomach and curves and her tanned skin. Her brown hair was bouncing of her back when she walked towards the school doors. She looked around “5”7” taller than any of the girls here. She was hotter than any of the girls here as well but you could tell that she didn’t know it. But she seems like a nerd so she will probably here all the stories about me being a murderer and a gang leader.

The bell rang signalling it was time for class. I had another cigarette before going to home room.

I walked down the empty halls of the school and walked past the office. I looked in the window of the office and saw the new girl. She looked really angry with the office lady. I can admit that office lady is a bit of a bitch. The office lady gave the girl her schedule and she turned towards the door. I quickly hid behind the lockers that were sticking out.

When she opened the door I heard her say under her breath “ what an annoying lady”. I let out a low chuckle and quickly covered my mouth in case she heard me.

When I knew she was gone I emerged from behind the lockers and went to home room.

I pushed open the door to home room and walked to the back of the class room to my seat. “late again Hunter what’s your excuse this time?” I sighed and looked Mr Hanyez in the eye “ I was to busy doing your mum last night I was late”. The class all gasped and some snickered “ how dare you go to the office now!” I laughed and stood up from my seat and walked back to the front of the class room “ she was really good as well had a lot of experience” with that said I opened the class room door and slammed it shut.

I didn’t go to gym. Why would I give girls the pleasure of seeing me?. I walked back to my Harley Davidson and sat down my it smoking cigarettes. First class had finished and the students were heading to second class. I couldn’t help but hear people “gossiping” about the new girl beating that guy in the most laps ran. That girl beat 14 laps?. So she was sporty? She will probably become popular then.

The English badgirl and the American badboyWhere stories live. Discover now