"Jake, that doesn't hurt.. You know that right?"

I chuckled because it looked like it would hurt, but she said it hadn't. I heard Venus sniffle and I placed my hand on her back. These were all old memories, when life had been what it was and not the mess that it is now. About mid way in the book, after laughing several times, Venus turned the page and gasped. There was Jacob! Well, a younger version.

"Venus? Where are you?" he called out looking around

"Hey Jacob, I think she might be over there" Venus's father whispered, pointing at a clump of vines at the corner of the house

Jacob nodded and slowly made his way over where he jumped and yelled BOO! Venus squealed and jumped out of the clump of vines. She ran around the lawn and Jacob chased her.

"Hes gonna get me! Ahh hes gonna get me!" Venus shouted running around some more before Jacob caught up and tackled her to the ground

"Well, now you know." We heard a voice behind us say

We turned around to see Jacob leaning in the door way.

"How come I don't remember you?" Venus asked, shutting the book and placing back in the box

"Well after about a year of being friends, you started becoming rebellious, wanting to go into the city and meeting new people. So the council technically just erased that whole year of memories with me" Jacob explained

Venus just stared at Jacob, we were both completely dumbfounded... I mean it explained why Jacob was so like "I know her, back off" when we first met and stuff. Venus slumped down on the floor and held her head in her hands.

"Oh..My..God..." was all that she said

Jacob just nodded, yep this was happening.

"Well, I'll go make something to eat." Jacob said awkwardly, exiting the atic space

I sat down next to Venus and wrapped my arms around her.

"How many other memorys could've they erased?" she mumbled, still staring off into space

"I don't know but that's not important right now." I said, nuzzling my head in the crook of her neck

She snapped out of her daze and laughed.

"I guess your right" She chuckled, putting her head on mine

I began to hum a song I had written recently. With all this spare time, ive been able to write down all the songs Ive been singing to Venus, and now this one.

"Whatcha humming?" Venus asked, moving to lay down in my lap

"New song" I said, running my fingers through her hair

"Sing it please?" She asked, closing her eyes

Maybe Im just a kid in love

Maybe Im just a kid in love

Oh baby

If this is what its like falling in love

Then I don't ever want to grow up

She smiled as I continued to sing. I loved it when she found my singing soothing. She was beautiful when she slept, when she worked, when she just did nothing, she was perfect. After just several minutes of sitting and petting her hair, Jacob shouted to us from down stairs

"Dinners ready!"

Venus sprang up and ran down the strais.

"IM COMING!" she yelled causing me to laugh as I chased her down the stairs and into the kitchen

Invisible (S.M.) ✔Where stories live. Discover now