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Sorry, no this is not an update but I was tagged by shawnsrosess to list music I listen to.  Which is like a lot of stuff so have fun with that.

Your Not There - Lukas Graham

Bad Reputation - Shawn Mendes (Although if you name any other song I WILL know the lyrics by heart... So like ALL his songs)

Just Imagine it  and Classic - MKTO

Grenade - Bruno Mars

Chains/Introducing Me - Nick Jonas

Shape of You - Ed Sheeran

Paris - Chainsmokers

Mad Hatter/Sippy Cup/ Soap/DollHouse - Melanie Martinez

Lost Boy - Ruth B

I Don't Wanna Live Forever - ZAYN and Taylor Swift

And a whollleeeee lot more so I better shut up. Also, I'm very sorry for not having updated since like... Yesterday XD. Love you all!


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