Chapter 21~ Cowell Lost His Scowl

Start from the beginning

''You're no fun, but don't worry, I had something different in mind,'' I chirped happily and took her hands in mine before sitting us both down on the ground to prepare for an hour of arguing probably. It would be worth it in the end....

"I'm not taking it off, Louis,'' Annalise said in a warning tone. We were playing strip poker (which had happened only after an hour of begging her to agree) and so far I had one every single round except for one. She had managed to avoid her shirt and pants up until now; only taking off jewelry and her socks plus her brightly colored crop top that had been over her tank top. I was sitting with my shirt off, and now it was her turn to discard hers because I had won yet again. I had only allowed her to talk off the small things before because I thought she was warming up to the game. Apparently I was wrong...

''C'mon, I won fair and square and you have nothing else beside your pants,'' I persisted, the sly smirk making its way onto my lips.

''Louis, I'm not doing it,'' she said again.



''Pretty please?''


''I'll take it off for you...'' I suggested cheekily while batting my eyelashes.

Her eyes went wide, ''what? No!''

Laying down my cards, I crawled forward slowly and she scooted back until her back hit the wall and I laughed at her defiant expression. ''What was it that you said before? I always get what I want? Well, you were right,'' I stated as I reached out my hands.

''Louis! I swear if you-,'' her protests were cut off by me tickling her. I was successfully able to distract her from my ulterior motive. My hands found the hem of her tank top and I pulled it over her head in one fluid motion which silenced her laughter, and made me stare down at her in shock. After a moment of complete quiet; I traced the cut marks on her stomach and I stared down at them with a sad little frown. They were too large to be caused by a razor, and Annalise didn't strike me as the type that would self harm. And it wasn't just cuts; it was bruises too.

''Wh-what? Why?'' I stuttered out with a slight whine as if I had just been kicked in the gut.

She swatted my hand away from the scars and pulled her shirt back on before trying to stand up. I pulled her back down quickly and she sighed. ''It's not what you think, Louis. I had a cat and he scratched me a few times.''

I scoffed, ''I'm not an idiot, Annalise, I know that's bullshit.''

''It's the truth, Louis.''

''Who did this to you?''

''I already told you,'' she insisted but I wouldn't have it.

''Oh God, it wasn't Liam was it?'' I shuddered at the possibility that that could be who he had become in this version of the world.

''No, Liam would never do anything like this,'' she shook her head quickly with the words to assure me.

''Was it your dad?''

She froze in her spot and then looked down sadly, ''no, he's been dead long before this happened.''

''Your mother did this then?''

she stayed quiet and I felt my face heating up with anger. How could a mother do something like this to her own daughter? How could anyone do this to Annalise?

''Why would she do this to you?'' I pried.

''You have to understand that it's not her fault,'' she started with her hands feebly playing with the hem of her tank top.

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