New Guy [4]

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"Just sit here." Frisk instructed, when they had eventually got home on wobbly legs. She gently placed Sans down onto the living room couch as she glanced over to Undyne. "Why don't you go make something to eat in the kitchen... That doesn't require the oven or microwave." Frisk kindly asked, causing Undyne to nod and do just that. Frisk stared back at Sans, who avoided her eye. "Sans..." She quietly said, placing a hand on the side of his jaw which made him flinch at her touch. Though, when he looked at her, his eyes relaxed a little and he gave her an apologetic smile. 

"sorry... wasn't expecting that..." He chuckled sadly, as Frisk just silently watched him, wondering just what was going on inside that skull of his. 

"What happened, Sans? Please talk to me. Don't shut me out." Frisk frowned as Sans exhaled, glumly looking down at his knees. "Did you have another nightmare? Was it really that bad?" 

"frisk..." Sans muttered. "i... yea, i had another nightmare... one that i haven't had in a long time... i... i saw you..." Sans said, looking up towards her. "but you weren't yourself. you were like how you used to be when you... committed genocide. you wanted to kill me, and i couldn't do anything to stop you." Sans shakily explained as Frisk just listened, not saying a word. "f-frisk..." Sans started, his eye sockets seeming to slowly build up with tears before one single tear slipped down his cheekbone. "you wouldn't... you wouldn't reset again, would you? you wouldn't want to do genocide again, would you? you just wouldn't reset... please tell me you wouldn't!" Sans cried, his voice getting louder and louder with every question asked. But Frisk just tried to calm him, placing her hands on his shoulders as she looked at him levelly.

"Sans, of course I'm not going to go and reset to do a genocide run again." Frisk frowned. "I don't even know why you'd even assume that." 

"blame the nightmares..." Sans whispered. 

"I wouldn't ever betray you, Sans. Not ever again." She told him honestly. "I love you. I never want to hurt you." She pulled him in for a kiss, before pulling away and giving him a sad smile. "I'd rather have my soul forever shattered into little fragments than ever lay a hand on you like that again." 

"i don't ever want to have to fight you again, frisk... you have no idea how much it broke me inside... how much it can break me just thinking about it...

"Hey, shhh." Frisk hushed him, putting her arms around him in a hug. "You know what? We're going to eat, after that you're going to go have a bath, and then we can snuggle in bed for the rest of the day, okay?" Frisk smiled. "I'm here for you."  

"thanks..." Sans managed a small smile, despite the fact that he honestly felt like he could jump at every small touch and sound. He hated that this is what happened to him whenever he thought back to those miserable times. The days when he failed to save his own brother, his best friends... He forgave Frisk for everything, because he knew that Chara had something to do with it as well. Despite that, he had also forgiven Chara. 

But whenever he remembered... He couldn't help but make sure to be aware, on his toes. It was practically impossible to switch off, to act calm. And he knew that probably made Undyne and Frisk uneasy as he was off in his own world. But after all the eating and taking a bath, Sans found himself snuggling up to Frisk in bed, while Undyne just spent her time watching television in the living room. Sans hated to be seen as so weak and dependent on Frisk like he was right now. He felt like he always had the need to be the stronger one for her, but it was at times like this that he just couldn't seem to muster up the ability to do that. Luckily for him, she understood and she was more than happy to silently hold him in her arms to calm him down.

"i'm sorry, frisk..." Sans eventually spoke, breaking the silence that had been sitting in the air for what had to be the past ten minutes. Frisk gave him a look of confusion as he exhaled. 

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"for... well, this..." Sans muttered. "you've already had a stressful day... and i probably just only made it worse for you by... freaking out like this... i just... i don't know what's come over me.

"Sans..." Frisk frowned, kissing him on the skull as she held him close. "Look, it's true that I'm tired, and that the meeting I had today was just EXHAUSTING... But that doesn't mean I don't want to be there for you. It's not your fault. I know how you can get when you're truly afraid of something, and I'm more than happy to be your shoulder to cry on. It's no good just trying to hide your emotions and act like you're okay, like you try to do with Papyrus, or Undyne, or just anyone else. You're allowed to tell me how you really feel." 

Once again, Sans went silent when he had thought about what Frisk had said. Sometimes he felt like she was just too kind to such a broken skeleton like him. How she remained so calm while he just broke down, it was beyond him, because it broke him up inside whenever he saw her hurting. But he'd always want nothing more than to comfort her. To just be totally in love with someone, to feel like they love you back, it was what gave Sans a lot of motivation. The day when Sans first met Frisk, that was when she pretty much became his world. It wasn't like love at first sight or anything like that, as at first he didn't exactly know WHAT to think of her. He just saw it as looking after someone for a friend. But then sure enough they became closer and closer and what'd you know? They ended up having feelings for each other.

But who else could Sans have really expected himself to fall in love with? 

"thanks..." Sans repeated as he managed a small smile, feeling a little better after having time to weep and think. Frisk smiled back at him, clearly happy to be his shoulder to cry on. 

"It's alright, Sans." Frisk told him. "Any time." 

"heh..." Sans chuckled a little, before letting out a small yawn. "what 'cha say we try and get some sleep now... after all that, i'm feelin' pretty tired.

"Yeah, I agree. That meeting took a lot out of me."

"it was really THAT stressful, huh?"

"Eh..." Frisk shrugged as Sans sat up to pull the duvet over them. When he led back down, they went back to cuddling each other. "It's just... Like you know, I'm not really allowed to tell you what exactly we spoke about but... There was just this new guy who was kind of... Eh." 

"that bad, huh?" Sans rolled his eyes. "in what sense? did he just interrupt you a lot or...?"

"Sometimes. But I just get the feeling that he doesn't agree with me. At all. I don't know."

"what do you mean?"

"Let's just say, his views are a lot different to mine." She frowned. "And it kind of worries me. Because I'm pretty sure he's trying to work himself up to the higher ranks. You know, to be able to decide rules, how things go." She sighed as she shook her head. "Anyway, I've already said too much... This stays between me and you, okay? I only trust you with this because, well, it's you." She managed a small smile, causing Sans to smile a little in return. 

"don't worry, kid. i'll be so quiet about it that you wouldn't even know i was around." He grinned as she laughed a little, hugging him close as she decided it was about time they tried to go to sleep. Sans seemed to happily agree, being tired himself (despite not really doing a whole lot with his day. But that was just Sans for you). And with that, they both drifted off into a calming, dreamless state.

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