Ask Her A Question [6]

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Another meeting... How perfect. 

Honestly, it was pretty much just like the same thing as last time, as if you had stuck that day on a broken record and it just kept looping over and over. They woke up, the only difference at this point being that Undyne decided to hang back while Sans took Frisk to where they had to go. Again, it was a repeated process of having to wait outside to be let in, Sans having the unease of being watched by that camera for the second time. And then lastly, the skeleton was stuck sitting outside the meeting room until it eventually came to an end.

This is where the day finally took a turn for something different. 

As the door was opened, Sans stood up, seeing Toriel and Asgore being the first to leave with a couple of others. Toriel saw Sans and flashed him a kind smile, deciding to go over to talk to him while he was waiting to be accompanied by Frisk. 

"Hello, Sans. Thanks for bringing Frisk with you once again. You know we could always pick her up if it's too much for you to handle." Toriel said. Sans shook his head, a small grin on his face as he brushed her off.

"don't worry, tori. it's fine. i like being able to walk with frisk. it's nice to get out of the house and uh, spend some time with her, y'know?" He chuckled as he scratched the back of his skull. Toriel nodded approvingly as Asgore joined beside her, adding to the conversation. 

"Well, we are grateful that you still take such good care of her, Sans. I've always put my trust in you for a good reason." Asgore beamed. Sans chuckled a little as he put his hands back into the pockets of his hoodie. 

"i would always gladly take care of frisk." He said. "with my life if i had to." Sans paused and glanced towards Toriel giving her a grin and a wink. "i made a promise after all." Toriel seemed to smile at this and she nodded her head. 

"Of course." Asgore responded. "Just keep it up, Sans. You ready to go, dear?" 

"Yes, Asgore." Toriel said to her husband and waved to Sans. "Again, thank you, Sans. Perhaps we'll pay a visit to you two again soon. Stay safe." 

"you too." Sans responded, waving to them in response until they were out of sight. He sighed, still waiting outside the room for Frisk to appear. He had probably been standing for a good 5 to 10 minutes until the door eventually opened revealing not only Frisk, but she was talking to someone else who must have been involved in the meeting. 

"Sans!" Frisk called happily as she went to give him a hug. She pulled away and looked towards the person who she was with. "Sorry I took so long to come out. We were just discussing a few more things. You see, we were just trying to come to an agreement over something." Frisk mentioned with caused Sans to rise an eyebrow. Was this the same guy she had mentioned before? The one who apparently made things so difficult? He looked decent enough, combed back hair, glasses... Pretty much like your average Joe. 

"uh, right." Sans simply answered. 

"So, Sans, this is Ajax Nixon. Ajax, Sans." Frisk explained, introducing the two. The guy was definitely more professional than Sans, as the skeleton just stared at this guy completely clueless. Ajax smiled. 

"it's uh, nice to meet you." Sans shrugged his shoulders as Ajax went to hold out a hand for Sans to shake it.

"It's nice to meet you too, Sans." Ajax responded, waiting expectantly for him to take it. Sans just sighed and took his hand out of his pocket, shaking his hand with an attitude that seemed like he wasn't really all that bothered. Clearly by the small look of disapproval, Ajax wasn't impressed. But he fixed the expression nonetheless with that same smile he had before. "So, you're a monster huh? That must be interesting." 

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