The One Now In Charge [10]

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The next day, sitting up in bed Sans noticed he was by himself, as Frisk had clearly gone and woken up earlier than he had - like usual. His mind flashed back to the events of yesterday evening, of Undyne walking in on him and Frisk about to... Yeah. He groaned in humiliation as he put a hand over his eyes, just wanting to expel that embarrassing moment from his mind. However, that wouldn't be so easy.

With a sigh, the older skeleton lazily pulled himself out of bed to trudge to the kitchen. On his way there, he heard Undyne make a comment of "Looks like the other lovebird is awake." which only made him whine once more, just wishing she'd be quiet. Seeing he was up and out of bed, Frisk flashed him a small smile as she handed him a plate of cooked breakfast. 

"Hey." Frisk said. "I was going to give this to you while you were still in bed, but I suppose you're up now." She gave him a kiss on the cheekbone, then going to hand him the plate. 

"thanks." He smiled at her until his smile faded and he nervously cleared his throat. "did you, uh... sleep well last night?"

"Oh, yeah! I slept fine! You?" 

"yeah, i was good...

"You guys don't have to be so awkward!" Undyne called from the living room which caused Sans to roll his eyes in annoyance. "It's like elevator conversation!" 

"remind me why she's here again." He said jokingly, which got a chuckle out of Frisk until Undyne responded: "I can hear you!" 

"Oh, by the way, I think Toriel and Asgore are coming over today to drop off Asriel and Chara. She wants us to look after them." Frisk told him, which caused him to give her a look of confusion. 

"what? why? not that i'm not, uh, honoured, that they'd like us to take care of them, they ain't even that much younger than us anyway. why do they need a babysitter?"  He asked, proceeding to eat a piece of bacon off of his plate, listening to Frisk reply.

"Well, I don't know. You know what Toriel is like." Frisk shrugged. "She just wants to make sure they're well looked after. Especially with them going to be gone for a few hours to go to a meeting that I don't need to be involved in."

"asriel is literally a flower. what is there to look after?" He commented. But when Frisk gave him a glare, he chuckled and tried to take back what he said. "i'm just jokin' kiddo. ya don't need to give me the stink eye.

Frisk sighed as she crossed her arms and slowly nodded. "Well, just promise me you two won't argue with one another. I know you don't always fight, but I don't really fancy it tonight. Just help me look after them both and things will be just fine." She said, hoping he'd agree. After all, when Sans and Flowey got into arguments, it could be quite the issue to try and resolve. Frisk didn't want anyone to go and dust each other. 

"well, you know i don't make promises." Sans pointed out. "but what i will say is this: fine, i'll try not to argue with him tonight. is that good enough?" He shrugged at her and she just exhaled once more.



Once both Chara and Flowey had been dropped off by the Dreemurrs, Sans just decided that the best thing for them would be to stick them in front of the TV so they could just sit down and keep quiet. Sans wasn't really in the mood for any of Flowey's childish remarks, and he felt like he might just snap if he did have to receive one from him. But obviously it wouldn't be that easy to just stay back from Flowey, as Frisk wanted to join the two on the couch and have conversation with them. Seeing as Sans didn't exactly have anything else to do with his time, and Papyrus was likely spending his time with Mettaton, he regrettably joined them.

However, it wasn't actually as bad as he thought it would be.

Chara began talking to both Frisk and Sans about how her final year of highschool was going, and about how she was nervous to leave and move onto college. Flowey wasn't much for conversation, seeing as there wasn't really all that much for him to do other than observe and sit in a flower pot all day. It actually made Frisk feel sympathy for the flower, because he still wasn't himself. He still wasn't Asriel. 

Frisk could not help but smile when she decided to give Chara some paper to allow her to draw - as that tended to be something she liked to do. She seemed pretty artistic. And she was actually really smiling due to the fact that after a couple minutes of just watching from the couch, Sans actually went and joined her, looking at her drawings and even drawing a few silly doodles here and there. It was almost like nothing bad had ever happened between them. It was like Sans was acting almost like a fatherly figure. She found that super sweet and adorable. 

Looking at what the time was, Frisk figured that Toriel and Asgore would probably be on their way over from the meeting to pick up Flowey and Chara. But as if someone was reading her mind, she actually received a call from Toriel's phone. Smiling and moving to the kitchen while Sans, Flowey and Chara were hanging out in the living room, she answered the call. 

When she returned a couple of minutes later, Sans' smile slipped right off his face when he noticed how glum she seemed, just like she was last night. Undyne clearly noticed as well, because when she sat back down the fish went ahead and asked: "What's up, punk? You're looking down all of a sudden." 

"I just got a call from Toriel and Asgore about the meeting." Frisk muttered. Both Sans and Undyne rose an eyebrow, as they were the only ones paying attention. Chara and Flowey clearly weren't interested and were more focused on the drawing. 

"and?" Sans questioned. "well, what did they say?"

There was a long pause of silence before Frisk had decided to answer him. "It's Ajax." She answered. Sans' eyes widened by a tad, while Undyne just continued to stare, clearly confused. But with Sans, that name just sent all kinds of alarm bells off on the inside of his head as he really didn't like the guy. And what Frisk said next, just really made him want to scream. "He's got what he wanted." She told them.

He was the one who was in charge now. 

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