No More Resets... Please... [3]

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After all the showering and getting dressed, eating breakfast and drinking ketchup, the trio were eventually ready to start on their way out the house and down the street to start walking to the nearby town where Frisk had to go to have the important meeting. Toriel and Asgore were already aware that they'd be seeing Frisk there with Sans and Undyne, and they were perfectly happy with them being there to walk with her.

With conversation to pass the time, the group eventually arrived at the building that they were supposed to be at. This place, of course, seemed to be littered with security guards at every entrance, as whoever was supposed to be at this meeting, was obviously a big deal on the surface. This place was where Frisk tended to have all the important discussions alongside Toriel and Asgore, trying to sort out monster's rights, trying to make things fair for everyone. Even after years of being freed from underground, there were still problems that needed sorting here and there. Humans could still be extremely prejudice against monsters, and Frisk felt like that was a problem that REALLY needed to be fixed.

Walking towards the main entrance, the group were of course stopped by a quite tall, intimidating security guard standing before the doors. He seemed to look curiously at the three behind his black cliche shades. He rose a brow, seeming to stand expectantly waiting for at least one of them to speak. 

"Yeah?" He questioned. "What do you three want?"

"I'm here for a meeting. Toriel and Asgore Dreemurr are supposed to be waiting for me along with some others." Frisk answered, despite the fact that the guy was in fact quite scary. He paused for a moment before going to speak again.


"Frisk Dreemurr." Frisk replied. When Frisk said that, the guard before them seemed to place a finger to his ear and he began muttering under his breath. Both Sans and Undyne shared a look, as they figured the man had to be wearing an earpiece and he was probably speaking to whoever was inside. Sans couldn't help but look up and notice a security camera on the wall of the building, angled right at them. It was obviously to monitor who entered and exited the building. However, he couldn't help but shift from one foot to the other, the thought of being watched making him feel weirdly uneasy.

Eventually, the man turned his attention back to them, as he seemed to be done talking into the little microphone that was attached to his shirt. "Alright, you three can go in. You have to wear these passes though, just in case." He added, handing each of them passes to wear around their necks. They happily accepted them, thanked him for allowing them through and sure enough almost the moment they got inside, they were introduced to another person who still just looked as stern and serious as the last person.

"Follow me." They spoke, motioning for them to follow. "So, you're Frisk Dreemurr? The others are waiting for you on the second floor. We'll have to take the elevator to get to them. Though, you do understand that whilst you are in the meeting, Frisk, you are not to allow your two friends to join you. They must wait outside, you understand?" 

"Of course." Frisk nodded, just as they entered the elevator. 

"What's the big deal anyway? You guys just don't want us knowing too much?" Undyne asked as she crossed her arms with a frown. The woman nodded.

"Precisely. Anything that is discussed in these meetings stays strictly between the Dreemurr family and whoever else is SUPPOSED to be involved. You two may be monsters, and this meeting may be about discussing monster rights, but that does not mean you can listen in. I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but that's just the way things are." She said, as they reached the second floor. She continued leading them down a hallway, through another door to ANOTHER hallway, before they finally stopped at one single door. The lady gave a light knock on the door, and soon enough it was opened by Toriel who smiled a bright smile, glad to see all three of them at once.

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