World Came Crashing Down [17]

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No way. This had to be a stupid nightmare. There was just no way that Sans had heard Ajax say what he thought he had said. But evident by the looks on everyone's faces, the dead silence, and the boiling anger that Sans felt within, it was obvious that none of this was just a load of made up crap. Sans was PISSED. 

"that... that fucking prick!" Sans snapped angrily, his magic eye flaring up in rage as he clenched his own fists upon his thighs. "who the HELL does he think he is?! i'm gonna... i'm gonna kill him!" He growled furiously, standing up from where he was sitting, but Frisk put her arms around him, wanting to restrain him as she just burst into tears and hugged him close. Sans glanced towards her, his two white pupils returning whilst his face slowly relaxed and he frowned. 

"How could he do this...?" Undyne questioned, slowly shaking her head in disbelief as she was still staring at the television, despite the speech being over, and it was just adverts playing now. 

"T-That's so cruel of h-h-him to do. W-W-Why would he want to stop humans a-a-and monsters from b-being together? That's h-horrid." Alphys stuttered sadly, earning a nod from everyone else. 

"Isn't it clear? It's because he hates us." Flowey pointed out. "Why else would he want to keep humans separated from monsters? It's just so that no one goes and breeds, mixing the two kinds together. That's something he must want to avoid." 

Sans exhaled, glumly hugging Frisk back as he went to kiss her on the forehead while she wept. "This can't be happening..." Frisk whimpered into Sans' shoulder as he held her within his arms. "I knew he'd probably do something stupid, but I didn't think he'd go this far." 

"isn't it obvious?" Sans spoke, getting her to look at him with big sad watery eyes. "he wanted to separate me from you. he didn't approve of our relationship when he found out about it. and he went and asked questions about it, tryin' to find out the flaws about our past. it's clear that he hated us bein' together from the beginning, because i'm a monster and you're a human..." He sighed. 

Go figure that this had to go and happen on his birthday. See, there was nothing ever good about this day. All it was ever filled with was misery, as he continued to stroll on doing meaningless things. Now the only thing that kept him motivated and kept him going was purposely being separated from him, right when he was thinking of how to ask her to marry him. This had to happen. Of course this had to happen.

But he wasn't going to let Ajax get away with it. No way in hell. 

"don't worry, frisk. things aren't going to stay like this. i won't let them stay like this." He grumbled as he went to pull up his hood, his pupils disappearing once more, being replaced by that bright, glowing blue eye of his. Frisk stared back at him, wondering what he was up to.

"What are you going to do?" Frisk wondered.

"DON'T GO AND DO SOMETHING DUMB, SANS." Papyrus spoke, earning a nod from Toriel in agreement. Sans exhaled, keeping his fists clenched as he stared back at them.

"sorry guys, but i can't just stand by and allow for this guy to make this damn rule. he clearly did it mostly to get to me. to hurt me. i could see a small smirk on his face god dammit, as if he knew i'd be watching. well, i'm not standing for this shit, and i'm going to fix it in the only way i can." He seethed, his tone dark and threatening as he was obviously unhappy. Before anyone was going to go to try and stop him, Sans began to teleport away in an instant, in a blue flash of light. The last thing he saw in that room was everyone's alarmed faces, looking like they were going to tell him to stop, with Frisk trying to reach out for him to not allow him to go. But he had to do this. He could never forgive himself if he just stood by and watched. Especially when he wanted Frisk to be his future wife, he wasn't going to allow some dickhead to separate him from her. 

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