She's All I Need [14]

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Truthfully, Frisk was thankful when the day with Ajax was over, and she could finally head home with Undyne. Once they got through the front door, both exhausted from the jerk's mindless chatter, they discovered Sans laying lazily across the couch, just watching TV. He turned his head towards them once he had noticed they had entered the room.

"oh, hey guys..." He murmured, turning his gaze away when his eyes almost met with Frisk's. He didn't know whether or not she was mad at him for leaving, but truthfully right now he didn't want to find out. He knew it was probably quite selfish of him, to just wonder off on his own, but right now he didn't really know if he was willing to apologise for it just yet. 

"Hey, punk. You feeling any better?" Undyne wondered with a faint chuckle. "You know, you got off lucky. We had to put up with that guy for a good couple of hours." 

"And you're right." Frisk said. Sans rose an eyebrow in confusion, oblivious as to what she was talking about. "He really is a jerk." She finished, giving him a look as if to ask him to move his legs so she could sit down on the couch, which he did, as he sat upright so Undyne could sit on the end while Frisk sat in the middle. Sans looked like he was going to go speak, however before he even got the chance, Frisk interrupted him. "You don't have to be sorry for storming off. I had the feeling you were going to go and apologise." She gave him a sad smile. "I can't say I blame you."

"Yeah, me either." Undyne agreed, resting her arm along the back of the couch as she faced towards him and Frisk with her ankle laid upon her knee. "He was definitely trying to dig into you back there about the past, questioning how you two ended up together, seeing as monsters and humans are meant to hate each other." 

"well, that's exactly what bothered me." Sans sighed, glancing glumly away from Frisk. "because let's face it. he's kinda right about that. it's not like it was love at first sight or anything between us. when i first met you, i didn't exactly trust you. i didn't really trust any human that showed up in the underground. i only kept you safe because of the promise i made to toriel. that's all it was... if i never made that promise..." The pupils disappeared from his eyesockets as he darkly finished. "i could have killed you.

"Could have. But you didn't." Frisk told him, which got him to turn his head in her direction. She was giving him that same usual forgiving look, a look that said she wasn't mad at him. That she understood his reasoning behind wanting to be by himself, knowing that he'd have to cool off. "What could have happened does not matter, because it isn't what happened. If it never happened, why care so much about it? You might as well just be happy with what has happened and go on with that. And what did happen, is you and me just developed a friendship and fell in love. That's all there is to it." She shrugged. "And to me, it doesn't matter that you're a monster, and that I'm a human. I still love you all the same, no matter what Ajax thinks, no matter what anyone thinks." 


Why was it that she was always so good with words? She was always the one who knew exactly what to say to him when he was having a down moment, when he felt hopeless. Whatever she went and did made him feel better, and it always eventually brought that same old smile back to his face. A true genuine one, as she truly made him feel overjoyed. 

"She's definitely right, Sans. Don't let Ajax get to you. He's just an asshole who has no clue what he's talking about. You two clearly fell in love for a reason. He shouldn't have any reason to comment on it." 

Listening to them being so reassuring to him, knowing that Frisk and his friends supported him, it truly brought joy to his soul. To know that his friends would defend his and Frisk's relationship, it truly did mean so much to him, even if he felt like he didn't thank them enough.

"still... sorry for leaving you guys. that must have been pretty un-BONE-lievable." He joked, getting a soft sound of laughter from Frisk, which only made his grin set upon his face widen with true love for this amazing, amazing girl.

"Well, the thought of coming home and seeing you again is what cheered me up." Frisk told him, going to give him a kiss which he returned with enthusiasm, eyes closed and cheeks blue with blush. Undyne chuckled, going to reach for the remote and put on the TV as the two continued to have googly eyes over each other.

They truly were cute. They truly were meant to be together, all their friends believed it. Hell, Alphys never stopped shipping them together before they were even going out, because everyone knew that they were so into each other before they even knew it themselves. They had acted so clueless, just acting like "close friends" when really it was under their nose the entire time.

It even pissed Undyne off that this "Ajax" seemed like he was trying to get in the way, that he was trying to bother her friends. She glanced over towards the couple, focusing mainly on Sans. The fish knew that the skeleton would probably go and do something stupid if anything bad happened. Truthfully, she was worried for them. Worried for him. She knew that just like her, Sans didn't exactly like to be messed with, he didn't like people trying to get in the way, and if that happened, then he'd get serious. 

"By the way, Sans..." Undyne started, which caught their attention, their giggles coming to an abrupt end as Undyne remained straight faced. "Whatever happens, don't go getting yourself into trouble. If this guy really hates monsters as much as he seems to, then he's bound to go and make a few rules against us all. So, just make sure you don't go doing anything stupid." 

"anything stupid?" Sans chuckled. "trust me, undyne. as long as i still have frisk by my side, that's all i need. i don't need to give a shit about that jerk, all i want to focus my attention on is this princess here." He teased, nuzzling his nasal bone against her nose which made her giggle once more. Undyne nodded approvingly.

"Well, glad to hear it." 

Just as long as Ajax didn't try to screw with him, and he stayed away, then Sans was just fine. Unless Ajax tried to get in the way, then he wouldn't need to do a single damn thing with Frisk still at his side. 

He was going to be fine. 

Undertale - Fighting To Stay [Frans] [Book 3]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن