Living The Nightmare [18]

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Sans hated that he was once again losing the motivation to do anything. For awhile he had been pretty good at keeping up with his schedule, he had been getting exercise and had been just trying to be more active. But for the past week, all he could do was mope around the house, just laying on the couch day after day as he stared at the ceiling. What else was new? 

Frisk had been pretty miserable too. She had still been trying to go to work, even though Sans argued that she shouldn't have bothered. However, instead of listening to his advice, she continued to go on, telling him that if she just gave up then they weren't going to get anywhere. He wished he could be as optimistic as her - believing that if he just kept trying at something, maybe something would change. Perhaps a difference would be made. 

Yeah right, as if things could get better.

Only to make matters worse, one day that same week, not only did Frisk bring herself home, but she was unfortunately joined by Ajax too, who clearly invited himself along - judging by her lack of enthusiasm to be near him. The moment Sans saw him come through that front door, he just wanted to... In a nutshell, he just wished he could send Ajax far, far away and never see him or hear from him again. The world just wasn't that easy. 

If only it was that easy. 

Angering Sans even more, Ajax proceeded to comment on the fact that the two were still living under the same roof. And he only wanted to go and ruin their lives more, because he proceeded to tell them that that was no longer allowed - meaning Sans had to therefore move out. Again and again, their lives were being torn to shreds before them by this horrible man, and it wasn't like Sans could do a single thing about it. He laid a hand on him, it meant bad news for everyone else. He had already been down that road. 

The skeleton was just thankful that Toriel and Asgore offered for him to stay with them for awhile until he found a place to stay. That or at least until the issue was resolved and perhaps he and Frisk could start living together again. When Sans had to go through the whole process of packing boxes and saying goodbye to the house he loved, the house he had lived in for the past couple of years, it was definitely an emotional experience. Especially when he was standing on that doorstep, staring back at Frisk as she stood in the doorway, with tears in her own eyes. 

Clearly neither of them could believe this was happening to them. 

"man... this really isn't how i'd imagine things to go... it's like we're breaking up, or getting a divorce." He sadly joked, which earned a bittersweet laugh from Frisk in response, as she shook her head and sighed. 

"So far my efforts have pretty much been for nought. As of lately, it's been hard to get anyone to listen to me. For some reason they all suck up to him. It's like he's got the amazing power to be an absolute kiss ass or something." She frowned with her arms crossed. Sans slowly nodded, agreeing. 

"yeah, well... you've done the best you could, i guess. don't stress yourself too much, otherwise you're going to drive yourself grey before your time." He said. "just... look after yourself when i'm not here, 'k? i... i know we're still allowed to be friends, but..." He trailed off, shaking his head as he glanced towards the floor, tears threatening to fall from his eye sockets, and it wasn't long until they began to overflow down his cheekbones. "i'm just gonna miss livin' with ya. and being able to say how much i... love you...

"I know, Sans." Frisk replied tearfully, biting down on her bottom lip as she too began to weep. "I'm going to miss living with you too... I will fix this. However long it takes, I swear I will fix this. You're the one I believe I'm meant to be with. I can't let Ajax ruin that, I can't let him separate us like this." 

"i know... listen... if things don't work out... if you aren't able to fix it... please just move on from me." He murmured. "i don't want you to remain unhappy because of me. you don't need to spend your life waiting for me. there's no point to keep dwelling on something that could never happen... especially for someone like me." He whispered, exhaling as he knew he had to be on his way. "...anyway, i better go."

"Uh, yeah... I... I guess I'll see you then?" Frisk said. Sans nodded, just staring at her as he so badly wished to be able to give her a kiss. But with watchful eyes and ears listening in, you never knew who could catch you and rat you out to the people in charge. So, instead, they just gave each other a close hug that felt like it lasted an eternity, as neither of them wanted to let go of each other. Sans could happily stay like this forever, just wanting to stay in Frisk's arms as he adored her so dearly. But to the world, his affection for her did not matter, as it had other ideas - allowing for them to be separated.

When they parted, Sans gave her a sad smile, until he teleported away, teleporting outside Toriel and Asgore's where he could already see the pick up truck that brought all his stuff along, putting boxes inside their house with the help of the Dreemurrs. Sans was just so thankful to how much they tried to make him feel at home. Clearly everyone was just trying to be sweet to him as he was definitely going through a difficult, difficult time. But it wasn't just him. Frisk was hurting too. 

Especially as she'd be alone - seeing as Undyne had finally managed to find herself a new house to live in, meaning she wouldn't be living with Frisk anymore. She found the house a little while ago, but was thinking of calling it off as she felt bad for leaving Frisk. But Frisk just told her that it'd be fine, that she should go and own a house of her own. It's not like she needed Undyne at her side 24/7.

During the night, all Sans could do was toss and turn upon the couch, as he couldn't find the will to sleep a wink. All he felt was a range of negative emotions and he was truly exhausted. He wished he could just drift off to sleep already, as he had been trying for hours. It didn't matter how much he tried though, because for several more hours he still couldn't fall asleep, so he'd likely be sleeping during the day if anything. 

Already, he was missing Frisk. Normally he would be snuggled up against her, laying with her in his arms as they had sweet dreams. Without her, Sans was more likely to have nightmares. He was more likely to feel insecure, afraid and alone. All he could do was stare out into the darkness with those two white pupils of his, waiting for the sleep that would never come. 

Why did Ajax have to show up in their lives and just ruin literally everything? Sans had been feeling the most happy he had felt in forever, just continuously thinking about how he was going to propose to the love of his life, only to have that moment stolen away from him for what could be a lifetime. For all he knew, things could never change, and this rule could always stay in place, keeping them apart for the rest of their lives. It was like that tragic Romeo and Juliet story, where they were two people from different places and they truly loved each other. However, because of what everyone else wanted and what they thought, being together was truly risky. 

Slowly, as the sunrise was beginning, Sans started to finally droop his eye sockets to fall off into dream land. Or more like, fall into nightmare land. Even though he was already in a nightmare, that he felt like he could never wake up from.

There simply was no escape.  

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