Your Judge And Protector [2]

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"ya sure you're gonna be comfortable with just sleeping on the couch?" Sans questioned as he handed Undyne a pillow and a blanket which she happily took to set up to allow her to relax. She let out a small laugh, smirking at him as she went to lie down.

"You're the one whose asking me that question? You can practically fall asleep anywhere." Undyne pointed out, and Sans couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"alright, you have a point." Sans agreed with a nod as Frisk reentered the room, changed into her pyjama trousers and shirt. She was just busy drying her hair with a towel as she had just gone to have a shower seeing as everyone was getting ready to go to bed. Alphys and Papyrus had gone back to their own homes, so now it was just Undyne, Sans and Frisk under the same roof for now.

"Well, let us know if you need anything, okay?" Frisk smiled with the towel just hanging over her hair. Undyne nodded, taking what Frisk said into consideration.

"Will do!" Undyne exclaimed happily before looking like she was ready to shoo them away. "Now you guys should just go get some sleep already! You're keeping me up!" She joked with a smirk. "Though, one thing, while I'm under this roof, please keep the baby making at a minimum." Undyne teased, causing the couple to blush like there was no tomorrow. Frisk pouted as she let out a small "hmpf", sticking her nose up in the air and she turned on her heel to go to their room.

"Very funny!" Frisk answered over her shoulder. "Night, Undyne! Are you coming Sans?" 

"uh... yeah." Sans nervously laughed. "night, undyne." Sans said before also deciding to follow after Frisk.


After that whole conversation with Undyne, Sans chuckled as he saw Frisk sitting on the edge of the bed, still trying to dry her damp hair. The skeleton smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned on the door frame.

"you need help with that, bud?" Sans wondered, already making his way across the room to sit behind her to take the towel from her. "here." He continued, gently ruffling her hair with the towel to dry it.

"Thanks." Frisk smiled a little as she exhaled, rolling her shoulders. "I'm kind of nervous about that meeting tomorrow... I wonder what's going to happen..."

"do ya know what the people you're gonna meet want to talk about?" Sans wondered, taking a small pause with the hair drying as he asked that question, before continuing up until the point he knew her hair was definitely dry. When done with the towel, he of course inevitably just laid it down next to the bed, but he promised to pick it up tomorrow.

"Well... Not really. I think mum and dad know most of the details." Frisk explained as Sans slowly nodded, showing he was listening. Seeing as he was done with her hair, he decided to lie down himself to get comfortable, whereas Frisk  followed, cuddling into him as he put an arm around her and held her close. 

"hey, i'm sure it won't be that bad. people actually seem to respect you after all."

"Well, not everyone." Frisk admitted with a small frown. The skeleton knew he couldn't really argue with that fact. Just like how people disagreed with the fact that monsters were on the surface, many disliked Frisk as the ambassador for them as they did not understand why she supported them at all. Luckily over the past few years, Frisk had never been targeted or attacked as her friends always tended to keep close to her in case something bad ever happened. Especially Sans.

"well, even if there are those pricks who think they can target you, you know i won't let them." Sans responded seriously, earning a small nod from Frisk.

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