No Longer Lazy [11]

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"w-what?" Sans stammered, staring at her in disbelief. "what do you mean he's got what he wanted? frisk?" She wasn't saying what he thought she was saying, right? There was just no way that they had let that idiot, Ajax, talk his way up to the top. Absolutely no way. You were supposed to allow smart, intelligent people who knew what they were doing to have the important jobs. Not smooth talkers who just spoke shit and acted as if they knew what they were talking about when really they were making up nothing but lies - telling people what they wanted to hear. 

"They let him in." She shrugged her shoulders as she put her phone away with a strange expression on her face. Almost as if she couldn't believe it. "He's in charge now." 

"Wait, who is this Ajax?" Undyne questioned which only got Sans' mood to turn sour. The look on his face darkened as he narrowed his eyes in anger, thinking about that damn asshole. Well, Sans had only met him a couple of times, but already from what he heard about him, he hated him. His ideals were the complete opposite to Frisk's. It seemed like he wanted monsters to just burn in hell for all he cared. 

"to answer your question, undyne..." Sans grimly answered, just staring at the ground as the pupils had completely faded from his eyes. "ajax is the jerk who is likely to ruin our lives." He growled under his breath, which really killed the mood of the room, making it even more uncomfortable than it already was. Thankfully for Chara and Flowey, there was a knock at the door and Frisk went to go answer it. The goat parents had shown up to pick up their children, and it wasn't long before the four of them were gone.

After that, Undyne, Sans and Frisk were all just sitting in the living room, the atmosphere upon them feeling unbelievably uneasy. Clearly Sans was angry. Undyne was just kind of confused. And Frisk... Well, she was gutted that Ajax had somehow managed to get what he wanted. Because he wasn't nice. Even if he pretended to be nice to Frisk, she wasn't an idiot. She knew his motives and what he wanted. He obviously disliked monsters, that was just a fact. And now that he had the power to do what he wanted... 

"It's probably going to be announced to the public tomorrow." Frisk murmured, interrupting the silence. Sans exhaled and rolled his eyes, clearly not feeling any better because of what she had said. 

"oh yeah, woop de doo. how fan-fucking-tastic." He grumbled and Frisk sighed, giving him an irritated look.

"Sans, I'm just as upset about this as you are." She told him. "I... I know it's probably going to be hard but... Who knows? Maybe he won't even be able to put certain rules against monsters anyway. There's still a whole process rule deciding has to go through. Other people have to vote and agree on it, and if they dislike what he is suggesting, they'll can it. They won't have it." 

"well, what if they do agree with him, huh?" Sans questioned, which made Frisk silent. "what if he makes certain rules where we can't do certain things? what if he manages to make rules where we... i don't know, we're not allowed to be in certain places, talk to certain people... what if he tries to separate us from you guys? what if he tries to separate us...?

"Sans." Frisk started, standing up from the couch she was sitting on. She slowly walked across towards him, going to put a hand on his cheekbone which caught his attention, making a surprised look cross his face, until it changed into bewilderment. "No matter what happens, I'm not leaving your side. I'm not going to abandon you. And... Ajax may have some horrible views, but I don't know if he's that cruel... Tell you what, how about we arrange to have a day where we hang out. You, me, Ajax... Undyne, you can come if you want?" 

"Uh, sure. I wouldn't mind meeting the guy." Undyne shrugged her shoulders, not seeming too bothered, and Frisk turned back towards Sans, going to stare into his eyes again.

"So, how is that? Would that make you feel any better? Getting to know him? Who knows, maybe you two will have more in common than you think." 

Sans sat, debating whether or not to agree. Whether or not he should even consider the idea of giving this guy a chance. Already from everything he had seen and heard, he did not like him. At all. However, Sans really didn't want to upset Frisk. He didn't want to cause a disagreement with her over something like this, so... He begrudgingly agreed. 

"oh, alright. fine." Sans exhaled, crossing his arms and leaning back into his seat. "but i'm only goin' for you. not to see him." Sans frowned, glancing away from her, looking frustrated. But that look was taken right off of his face when Frisk decided to give him a kiss on his cheekbone, making his expression falter to a more surprised one, with his cheekbones beginning to blush a light hue of cyan. 

"Well, it'll make me glad to just have my handsome skeleton alongside me." She spoke, which actually managed to pull a smile at the sides of his mouth. "Because you know how dearly I miss your company." 

"heh... yeah, i miss ya a lot too, kid when you're away." He admitted, still blushing all the while as he spoke. After all, it was always so quiet when Undyne wasn't around, and Frisk was at a meeting. Sometimes he just tried to sleep the day away to pass the time until she'd come home, but other times he'd stay awake. Maybe in case something happened and Frisk needed him to come get her. Nothing like that had ever happened, but he couldn't help but worry about her. He was always terrified of losing her, and he wanted to make sure nothing like that happened, ever. 

Which is really why he needed to spend more days getting fit, rather than lazing around the house all day. As that thought struck his mind, he glanced towards Undyne and rose his eyebrows, an idea just coming to his head. Perhaps he could try to become less lazy. 

And he knew just the person to help him out. 

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