I'll Never Leave You [9]

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Author Note: So, there's some mild NSFW in there, but nothing that is really all that of a big deal. Whether there will be another moment like this further on in the story, but it's not interrupted (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) I don't know. Depends how people react to this I guess. 

Anyway, enjoy and don't go complaining. Because I did warn you! 


Arriving back home, Sans exhaled after calling out Frisk's name to see if she was home, only to get no response. Clearly she was still out with Ajax. 

Closing the front door behind him, he went to shove his hand into his coat pocket, taking out the small box which sat inside, and he opened it up to reveal the beautiful diamond ring staring back at him. He really hoped she would like it. And that he'd even be able to build up the courage to ask her properly, he didn't want to mess this up. 

Hearing a key in the front door, startled, Sans quickly put the box back into his pocket, just in time for Frisk to enter with a frown set upon her face, until she saw that Sans was home and her dull expression lit up instantly, as she was clearly glad to see him. 

"heya, kiddo." Sans grinned at her as she walked over and gave him a hug. "ya alright?"

"Yeah, you?" She asked with a sigh. "I'm just tired, that's all. Did you have a good day? I hope I didn't make you feel bone-ly." Frisk murmured, causing Sans to chuckle and shake his head. He pulled away from the hug and looked at her, staring into those two bright green glowing eyes of hers. They were so elegant, so deep that he felt like he could get lost in them every time he just stared and stared. To think that this was the girl that could be his future wife, he felt so unbelievably lucky. "Sans?" Frisk questioned, raising an eyebrow as he still hadn't answered her. Realising that he had completely spaced out, he rose his own eyebrows and lightly blushed. He hadn't meant to get lost in his thoughts like that. See, he could just get lost in her eyes sometimes.

"heh, sorry. i was just gonna say that it's been alright, ya don't have to worry 'bout me." He told her. "though, are you sure you're okay? you didn't look too happy when you came through the door."

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She replied, just shaking her head as she seemed like there was something she didn't want to talk about. Sans wasn't sure whether or not to push it, or whether he should just leave it. 

"did ajax do something?

"You could say that." Frisk said. "Well, he said something that was just irritating and... Look, Sans, it's about work. And I already told you I couldn't really tell you anything about it... You'll probably find out soon enough anyway." 

"what's that supposed to mean?

But instead of answering him, Frisk just told him to leave it as she went to go to bed. Furrowing his brow, he stared after her but decided not to add anything else on the subject. Clearly she was tired and fed up about whatever Ajax had said, and Sans didn't want to put anything else atop that stress. So, instead he asked if she was hungry and if she wanted something to eat. When she told him she was fine and that she just wanted to sleep, he silently nodded and left her to her own thing.

It did get boring though, just laying around on the couch, just trying to find something interesting to watch on TV for the past several hours. He wondered what got Frisk in such a bad mood, what had Ajax done or said that made her feel miserable? The skeleton must've really had a foul expression upon his face because when someone entered the room, they spoke "If you keep your face like that, it might get stuck." which brought his awareness back to the real world, rather than on the inside of his head where thoughts tended to wander. Frisk had woken up, and she was just standing with a blanket wrapped around herself as she looked over towards Sans. 

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