Judgemental [1]

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Author's Note: Yet another Undertale story to add to the two Frans stories I wrote before this one. So, if you haven't read those ones before this one, I suggest you do if you want to get the backstory of things that have happened so far. 

This story is more Frans based, so if you do not like that then I'm afraid this isn't the fanfiction for you. 

I have to point out at the start of these, just so that people won't get triggered, Frisk and Sans are of the same age. It is in this story that they are at least both over 18.

Please do enjoy! ^-^


A couple of years on the surface. Now that was an accomplishment.

Life for monsters and humans had changed forever one sudden day, when the barrier that had trapped monsters underground was finally broken by a single human, and all monsters could go free. The name of that single human was of course, Frisk.

Though, even though it was an amazing step forward for the monsters of the world to finally live on the surface, there were still those bumps in the road that had caused a lot of problems. From Chara continuously trying to come back to kill everyone (before they managed to make her normal), to humans wanting monsters to "go back to where they came from". Of course, with Frisk as ambassador, she never wanted to let that happen.  

She had a lot more free time on her hands, as things weren't always so hectic for her and her skeletal boyfriend, Sans. She had a lot more time to be involved in meetings, and to be able to discuss her thoughts with really important people on the surface. Frisk did have help from Asgore and Toriel as well though, as some things she REALLY couldn't handle on her own. But she was hoping with her input that it made somewhat of a positive impact on things. Things had been going well for the last couple of years, so she didn't exactly see what could go so wrong now.

Anyway, today wasn't exactly a busy day, as Frisk had some good friends over to spend some time with her. Undyne, Papyrus and Alphys had decided to drop by, as Frisk was feeling kind of... Bonely without Sans. As, you see, he wasn't home right now. Sans had felt bad because Frisk was always so hard working with her job as the ambassador, so he thought it would be a good idea to see if he could get himself a job, even being the lazy bones that he was. Frisk just hoped he was able to make it through an interviewing process without cracking out any bad jokes. As much as she loved them, other people probably wouldn't think as highly of them.

"Oh, come on! That's totally cheating!" Undyne growled at the screen, as she was playing against Papyrus and Alphys on a game called: Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Papyrus was currently the one who was winning, evident by his glee and the constant comments he couldn't stop making at the fact that he wasn't going to lose. 

"I'm n-not very g-g-good at this game..." Alphys giggled a little, as she had lost too many lives, meaning she could no longer participate in the game, leaving Papyrus trying to win against Undyne the hot head who really just DID NOT want to lose. 

"Oh, come on, punk! You're totally cheating! I shouldn't be losing this easily!"


"Oh why you--!!" Undyne growled, as she furiously pressed at the buttons on her controller, kicking her competitiveness from about a 0 to an 100. Of course, all the yelling and competition was interrupted when there was a knock at the door, and Frisk decided to pick herself off the couch to be the one to go answer it. A huge smile lit up her face, when she saw it was Sans.

"You're home!" She exclaimed, giving him a quick kiss on the cheekbone as she allowed him in. Though, the smile soon vanished from her face when she noticed how glum he seemed. "Are you okay? Did it not go well?" Frisk questioned.

Undertale - Fighting To Stay [Frans] [Book 3]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat