Forbidden, No Exceptions [16]

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This was nice.

It was nice to spend his birthday hanging out with the people he cared for, and the girl he loved most, rather than just spending this same day just sleeping in bed all day - that's how he usually spent his birthday, because he never wanted to make a big deal out of it. Mainly because of his lack of interest in celebrating events, as he was so sure they were going to all just end up back underground again due to a reset. Why bother celebrating getting a year older, when you were likely to end up a year, or several years younger again because the timeline came to an end and started another one?

That and he just didn't see getting older as something to rejoice over. Oh, you laze around and do nothing with your life? You just sit around while your loving girlfriend works her ass off, and you're a year older, still doing that? Congrats to you. 

Yeah, that's kind of how Sans felt about the whole thing. He beat himself up about it. But he was trying to improve, he was trying to get better. Because he needed to be there for Frisk more, not only that but he wanted to see if at some point he could find himself a job. Something he didn't exactly have a lot of luck with, but that didn't mean he had to give up.

And not only did Sans have yet to find a job, he also STILL had to come up with how to propose to Frisk. He knew Toriel and Asgore were waiting eagerly for him to just ask her, and it had still been kept a secret between him and the Dreemurrs, surprisingly. Sans was still waiting for someone to find out his secret, but as of yet he was lucky that no one had yet. 

Though, it's not like he was completely clueless of what he was going to do. He was just scared of messing it up. He thought of taking her to a nice restaurant, going somewhere more fancy to eat rather than just spending their time at Grillby's. Not that Grillby's food wasn't great, it's just that for a proposal it felt kind of... Tacky. Not special enough for Frisk. All he wanted was for the evening to mean everything to both of them. 

Then perhaps after going to eat, if he didn't decide to do it there, they could go for a walk, suggest going to look at the sunset - the same place they had all gone and saw the sun for the first time of escaping the underground. They could just sit and watch the sun together, talk for a bit before Sans would go ahead and... Well, ask her the question. Ask her to marry him. And hopefully she would say yes, and they'd just be able to hold each other in their arms and sob true happy tears. At least, Sans knew it was inevitable that he was likely bound to cry, whether he wanted to hold the tears back or not. If she said yes, it would be the happiest day of his life. 

He was just hoping it would go as perfect as that. However, there was still that annoying voice at the back of his skull that just made him doubt himself, that made him feel like he would mess it up, or maybe she wouldn't want to get married to him, or maybe it was too soon or maybe-- 

Sans' worried thoughts about the proposal came to an end, when before he realised it, he and all his friends were crowded around a television, and he wasn't exactly sure why. He had spaced out that entire time, while all his friends had been practically celebrating his birthday for him. 

On the television screen, it was Ajax - he was giving a speech of some sorts. Already, just seeing his face and hearing his voice made Sans bubble up inside with anger, as just those two things alone made him growl with frustration. Noticing he was tensed up, Frisk gently squeezed his hand in hers, trying to calm him down. 

"why are we watching this exactly?" Sans questioned. On his birthday too. Why did he had to see Ajax's face on this day out of any other? It was just like that damn human had the habit of showing up into his life whenever he really didn't want him to. Not that he ever wanted him to. 

"Ajax said he was giving a speech today." Frisk murmured, nervously biting her nails as she watched the TV screen. "Apparently it was important, and I know you probably don't want to see it as it's your birthday, but... You never know, he... He might say something good?" Frisk shrugged, clearly hoping that that was the case. 

The skeleton just hoped she was right. 

For awhile, Ajax was just rambling on about how he was thankful to be in the situation he was in now, and it only made Sans' eyes roll and made him physically sick. Why did he have to act like such a kiss ass every time he went out to make one of his crappy speeches? Just get on with what you have to say and move on. That's all he needed to do! 

Eventually, he seemed like he was getting on with what he wanted to say, explaining that there was going to be a new rule which made everyone tense up in their seats at what it could possibly be. They were all dead silent, silent enough that if you dropped a pin on the floor at this moment, it would likely be heard. 

"From this day onwards..." Ajax started, staring around him at the public who were obviously gathered to watch his speech. His eyes then trailed towards the camera, almost as if he knew they were watching, and Sans couldn't help but feel a sense of dread fall upon his shoulders before Ajax continued. " is forbidden... For monsters and humans to be in a romantic relationship with one another. There are no exceptions." 

Both Sans and Frisk froze up on the spot, the pupils disappearing from Sans' eyes while Frisk drew her breath back, clearly not taking what he had said seriously. Everyone else slowly glanced towards them, horrified by what Ajax had just said. Sans could have sworn he saw a tiny smirk fall upon Ajax's lips. A smirk that said "I know you're watching, Sans." 

Someone was looking for a fucking bad time. 

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