The Good and Bad News

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“Yes it is.” I say while stepping closer to him.

“Alright, then it’s sorted.” The doctor walks away aggressively.

“What the hell was that?” Kurt and I turn around to see Burt with a blueberry muffin and a large coffee placed in his hands.

“Good news, Carole has a new doctor.” Kurt replies.

“I don’t want to know do I?” I shake my head with that I give him my answer.

Kurt walks towards the door to my mum’s room but I pull him back by the collar. It was a little harsh but it had to be done, this kid had so many secrets it was unbelievable.

“Who was your friend that got treated that way by Barbra?” I ask.

I see Kurt’s eyes widen and now I know he’s hiding something from me. He continues to look around the hospital until he finally speaks.

”Finn Christopher Hudson, were you eavesdropping?” He says trying to change the subject.

“No Kurt, I know you’re up to something, so spit it out.” I yell.

“Ok, the Barbra bitch was rude to Rachel, but Rachel doesn’t know I know.”

I feel anger start to bubble up inside my body, and im afraid I won’t be able to contain it.

“What did she say?” I ask.

“That she has no sex appeal, and that she’s ugly.” My hands turn into fists, at that moment I was ready to punch the wall or kick a chair over.

“Don’t worry, Rachel handled it with her sass that i proudly taught her .” Kurt says using his hand gestures to try and calm me down.

That’s my girl.

“The next time I see this Barbara bitch, I’m going to set her straight.” I say walking to the vending machine.

“Sure you are.” I hear Kurt mumble.

“Hey Kurt, what does 'watch your back' mean?” I ask looking uneasy.

“Well, it depends on who said it.” He leans against the machine

“It was Quinn.” I mumble quietly.

“Shit Finn, you’re in trouble.” He replies with a scared look on his face.

“I know, it’s like I’m waiting for her to do something.”

“Well that’s what ‘watch your back’ means dumbass.” He slaps me on the back of my head and walks back into the room.

Well, I guess I better man up and face the consequences of dating Quinn, all I hope is that she doesn’t go after Rachel.

 I go back into the room and without even considering the fact that Burt was in the room with us. I walk up to Kurt and say:

“What if she does anything to Rachel?” I say in a panicked tone.

“Oh please. Rachel has more balls than you’ll ever have, she can handle herself.” Kurt flaps his hand to indicate not to worry, but I couldn’t help myself.

All of sudden Burt runs to my mum’s bedside and holds her hand. I look up at my mum and her eyes are finally open. My best friend was going to be ok. I walk up to the opposite side of the bed and hold her other hand. It was then that she turned her head towards me, she brought my hand to her lips and kissed it. And then told me to come closer. And that’s exactly what I did. I leaned over to get closer to her and she whispers something in my ear.

“I’m fine now Finn, go find Rachel, make things right and keep her safe…………….. All I want in return is grandbabies in the future.”

I look at her and she nods at me. I chuckle a little at her comment and nod in reply. The moment was quickly ruined by Kurt.

“Well I have got to come with you, this is going to be juicy.” He says jumping up and down.

I give my mum a kiss on the cheek and tell her to take care of herself. Kurt and I were out the door and on our way to find Rachel, it was going to be easier said than done.

How was I meant to find a little brunette in a big city …………………….I know how, my heart will lead me to her.

I hope you liked this chapter, if you did please comment to tell me what you think and please vote because it's means a lot!

Next Chapter is probably my favourite chapter so far, so stay tuned becuase big things are happening 

Thanks :)

The Choice I RegretHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin