Chapter 48- Opening Act

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Chapter 48- Opening Act


-Later That Night-




Harry P.O.V-


“What’s going on?” Gemma questioned, while walking into the room. “Why is there glass on the floor?”She gasped, while looking to the ground. “Harry, What the fuck did you do?”


“I can’t be here right now.” I claimed, while grabbing my coat and running down the stairs. I made my way outside, where London’s car was already gone. I punched the brick wall nearby, making knuckles turn bright red by pain. “Fuck this.” I mumbled, making my way inside the car, and driving off to meet up with the boys in London, probably going to a bar, drinking my sorrow ass to bed tonight. 






London P.O.V-


“London, How was the wedding?” A pap questioned, while I made my way through the big crowd and into the black chevy, before I could have the chance to answer the question. “Have a good day!” The pap demanded.


“The Plaza, please.” I stated towards the driver, and the driver just nodded yes.


It’s been 6 hours of traveling to New York, where Ariana was station for the Believe Tour. So therefore it’s been 9 hours of seeing Harry’s veins popping out of his neck. I checked my phone, no call from Harry, I mean I didn’t expect a call whats so ever. I’ll give it a few days for him to cool off his steam. It was our real first fight, and It seems like the world has crashed into my heart. The whole flight, I broke into silent tears, thinking of what this fight had lead to, Violence and things we didn't mean to say.


* 1 Hour Later*


I looked to the side car window, seeing flashes appearing and the two front doors of the hotel. The flashes appeared more and the Fan’s started to surround the car fully. What can I say? New York has the most determined fans that I know of.


A nice gentlemen, who was the bellhop of the Plaza’s hotel,  opened the car door, helping me out poliently. “Welcome to New York, Ms.Grande.” He smiled, while I grabbed his hand lightly. 


“Thank you.” I smiled, while waving to the screaming fans to my sides. The bellhop helped me through the big crowd and safely into the Hotel’s lobby. “Jones?” I questioned, while seeing him standing there, leaning against the front counter.


“London, you’re here, great. .” He smiled, while grabbing the duffel bag into his hands. “I need to tell you something.” He sighed, while holding me in place.

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora