Chapter 47- Bombshell

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Chapter 47- Bombshell


-The next morning-


London’s P.O.V-


I woke up from my cell phone ringing from inside my black clutch.  I groaned loudly, while rubbing my eyes to wake up. I moved my hands to my side to feel harry, but he wasn't there anymore. I tilted my head the side, to make sure and he officially disappeared. The phone was still ringing, I made my way to grab my phone from the clutch bag, where I was fully naked. I ran back into the bed, covering myself with Harry’s blue bed covers and clicking answer.


“Hello?” I questioned, while answering with side giggles.


“London.” I heard a voice cry out.


“Ariana, What’s wrong?” I questioned, becoming very worried.


“I can’t do this anymore.” She claimed, while hearing her sniffles from the other line.


“What do you mean, you can't do this anymore?” I questioned, while running my head through my messy curls.


“I just can't." She demanded, while still hearing her sniffles through the phone. 


“Ariana, Listen up.” I demanded, while still running my hand through my hair. “I’m going to take the first flight out of here, because you're getting me worried.” I stated, while standing up from the bed, and throwing on my big sweater and leggings over my bare body.


“Okay.” Ariana cried out, “Hurry, I really need you.” She demanded, while clicking the end button to end the call. 


I rushed into the bathroom, trying to tie my hair into a high bun, while wiping off my makeup from  last night's event. Then I rushed back into the room, where Harry had placed a nice try full of my favorite things for breakfast on the bed.


“Where are you going?” He questioned, while placing one of his white t-shirts over his head and onto his bare upper half.


“I have to go back home.” I stated, while taking a quick seat on the bed, to put on my shoes.


“London, you can eat some breakfast and then go home.” Harry claimed, while hugging me from behind, and began to kiss my neck.


“Harry, Ariana really needs me.” I claimed, while grabbing my big duffel bag, and shoving all the clothing that I had in his bedroom.


“She can wait.” Harry added, while watching me pack all of things quickly.

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن