Chapter 36- Packers Game

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Chapter 36- You and I



Harry P.O.V-


I looked down at London, who was fast asleep on my chest. I brushed her beautiful brown hair, and kissed the top of her head lightly, while wrapping my arm around her bare arms. I closed my eyes little by little, drifting to a small nap.

 Few Hours Later:

“Lovebirds, wake up.” Paul said, while tapping both of us on the head. “Lets go.” He demanded.


London opened her eyes, while standing up from the chair. I grabbed our handbags, making my way out of the plane. Paul lead the way, I followed and London hugged me from behind to not get lost. We finally made it to the exit, where paparazzi were waiting for us to appear. London posed for quick pictures with her fans, and so did I , waiting for the black chevy to appear .


“London, I love you so much!” A young girl screamed, while walking through the crowd, and pulling London for a big hug.


“Aw Thank you.” She smiled, while hugging the girl back, and smiling to the cameras.


“Your voice, and acting skills are so out of this world” The young girl smiled, while her hands started to shake.


“My voice?” London questioned, while looking over to me strangely.


“Your Harry Styles!” The girl yelled once more, while pointing to me in shock.


“Nice to meet you love.” I smiled, while hugging her to calm down.


“The car is here!” Paul demanded, while motioning us to follow. Paul pushed the cameras away, making our way inside the back chevy. Paul sat in the front, right by the driver.


“San Francisco 49ers stadium?” The driver questioned, while paul nodded yes.


“Start talking, Styles!” London demanded, while hitting me playfully on the chest.“Harry!” She exclaimed, while hitting my chest again. “Wait.” Her eyes widen. “You didn't do what I think you did!” She yelled, while covering her mouth in shock.


“Jones did it!” I claimed, while putting my both hands up in the air.


“Im going to kill him.” London joked, while looking through her phone.” 6,004,061.” Her eyes widen.

“I know.” I grinned, while kissing her forehead lightly. “I guess I have to share you now.”


“Welcome to the club.” She giggled, while laying her head on my shoulder, and started to read the positive comments.


A Hour Later:


London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें