Chapter 26- Oh Nonna

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Harry P.O.V-

I entered the room, where I found the rest of the boys. Zayn and Liam was sitting on the chairs. Niall was snacking on the table full of food. Louis was talking to Lou. I walked over to Lou and hugged her tightly.

"Your out of the market!" Lou looked up at me, while I started to snack on some crackers.

"Surprise Lou." I smiled. "You know it was coming." I stated. Lou pinched my stomach roughly and started to fix my hair into a quiff. "Someone didn't take a shower."

"He slept over." Niall grinned while shoving a donut in his mouth.

"Already?" Lou questioned, while raising her eyes brown.

"Your Cheating on me!" Louis covered his mouth, faking the shock ness.

" I did sleep over, but nothing happen. Lou, i woke up late and Louis , you still have part of me." I blew a small kiss to Louis and chuckled.

"Nothing Happen, Are you sure?" Niall questioned.

"Positive." I looked over at Niall.

"He's serious with this one!" Lou added, while pointing to my face.

"London is just different." I smiled, thinking about everything that has happen. "She finds the real me." I smirked, while feeling Lou pulling on my hair.

"This one is in Love." Zyan pointed to me.

"Welcome to the club!" Liam added, while standing right by Zyan.

"Boys Take your Seat!" The photographer demanded while clapping his hands together.

In the front was Me, Niall, and Louis. Right behind me was Liam and Zyan. The interview started,

"Who's off the Market?" The interview asked. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and I raised our hands and Niall was the only one with his hand down.


"Eleanor." Louis smiled.

"Sophia." Liam grinned.

"Perrie." Zayn said.

"London." I smirked and looked into the camera.

"Harry, London Grande?" Interviewer asked.

"Yes." I added.

"Shes beautiful." He looked over at me.

"I know." I blushed and smiled over to Louis.

"Harry's cheating on me with London." Louis faked teared.

"Perfect date?"

"Dinner on the Beach." Louis.

" Nandos." Niall added and giggled.

"Thats why you're single." Zayn commented. We all started to chuckle.

"New Album will be coming out, Is that true?"

"Yes, We are waiting for the perfect song to become our #1 hit." Liam added.

"Waiting for a heartbreak?" The interview questioned.

"Probably." Niall chuckled to himself, and looked over to the other boys.

"You guys will be traveling to South America next year, Are you guys excited to meet you latinas girls?"

"Hola, Como estas buenito girls." Niall failed to speak spanish.

"Isn't it hermanas?" Liam questioned.

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now