Chapter 7- Empire State

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-Ariana P.O.V-

Everything between London and I has been unbelievable. Having a twin sister is what I needed in life. London made me feel normal for once. When I mean normal , treated like everyone else normal . I've known London three days and it seemed like I've  known her my whole life. In these three days, I've seen her go to prom and graduate high school. 

Today was the day I was leaving Homes Chapel, Uk  to go preform in the MTV  video music awards in Brooklyn, New York.  

"Ariana its time to go." Frankie said . Frankie looked over at London and saw her head down. "London, I'm going to miss you baby sis." He kissed her forehead and closed the door behind us. 

"London, did you ever open your graduation present?" I questioned. London nodded no, still looking down to the ground.

"I never got one."  she answered looking very confused. 

I took out a envelope and showed it to her waving it back and forth. London's head followed the envelope. 

"What is it?" She questioned.

"You'll see."  Passing her the envelope. 

She opened the envelope with two tickets in her hands. "Omgod. I'm going to New York ! and Ill be attending the VMAS!" She said in complete shock. 

I just nodded yes and giggled. " Come on ! Get packing sista !" I demanded.

London P.O.V- 

Next minute I knew we were in JFK New York Airport. Paparazzi's were all over the place, taking pictures of Ariana and I's  every move. Fans came running towards Ariana and I  taking pictures. We finally got into the hotel suite and got ready to prepare for the VMA's red carpet. 

Ariana's hair stylist and makeup artist came in the pictures fixing both of us up. 

"London you should totally go light brown like Ariana." The hairstylist mentioned. 

"Ill do it  in one condition, I will NOT walk the red carpet tonight." I demanded and they all gasped. They all nodded yes and dyed my hair light brown just like Ariana's hair. I was in complete shock that my red hair is fully gone. I looked exactly like Ariana, It was too scary to realize. 

We both looked into the mirror at the same time. "Wow we look so alike." We both said at the same time and giggled. 

"The Grande's Sistas are ready for the VMA's Baby !" Frankie yelled out the window.  You can hear fans yelling back. Ariana and I started to laugh even more. 

"You ready ?" Ariana asked opening her hand. 

"Yes." I answered. We both walked hand and hand to the VMAS as strong twin sistas. 

 Ariana was wearing a floral short dress with  naked heels while i was wearing a long dress with sandal flats and a flower headband.  We both rocked the half up and half down hairstyle. It was ....


We arrived to the VMAs and the only thing i can hear is screaming fans. Frankie and I got out of the car waiting for Ariana to get out. Everyone started yelling our names. 

"LONDON!  ARIANA! I LOVE YOU GUYS !" One fan yelled . 

"LONDON IM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" Another fan yelled. 

Frankie, Ariana, and I walked to the entrance of the red carpet. Ariana grabbed my hand and pushed me into the red carpet. I couldn't go back because once you get in, you really cant get out. 

"Ariana, you promised me ." I said pointing to my light brown hair. I crossed my arms and looked at her with hate. 

" Listen, This is your first Award show. So you'll experience it like a celebrity." She yelled over the loud fans. She was signing autographs and taking quick selfies. Ariana passed me a Sharpie and demanded, " Sign it up." She giggled while singing autographs. I followed Ariana instructions and signed autographs and took very quick selfies. 

"Now This is posing for pictures. Just work that pretty smile London."  Ariana demanded while grabbing my hand to take posing pictures for the paparazzi smiled the whole time to every camera man possible. 

We were now to interviews. " Interviews are a pain in the ass. Just think before you speak." She instructed while walking up to the VMA Host party.

"We are here with the two beautiful Grande sisters, Ariana and London." The young man introduced us. 

"Hello." We both said at the same time. 

"Ariana you have such a beautiful voice.London do you have a voice at all?" He asked. 

"I sing in the shower if that counts." I giggled. 

"Great Answer, Who are you guys excited to see tonight ?" He questioned. 

"I'm very excited to see Miley cryus's performance." Ariana answered. 

"I'm excited to see One Direction tonight." I answered while blushing. 

"Favorite members from One direction is?" He asked.

"Zyan." Ariana smiled. 

"Harry." I answered while blushing more. 

"Mine's Harry too ! Have a great performance Ariana. London cant wait to see you in the red carpet more ! Have fun tonight girls." He demanded. 

"Bye."  We both said while giving him hugs and kisses to our exit. 

Ariana took her place to preform her #1 hit Baby I . I took my place by walking into our assign seats for the award show next to Frankie. Ariana finished her amazing performance. Frankie and I cheered for Ariana . It was one of the best performance in VMA history. Ariana came rushing in and took her seat right between Frankie and I. Our seats were pretty cool, We were sitting in front of One Direction. I was having a nervous breakdown . 

During the break , Frankie decided to introduced himself to the band, "I'm Frankie Grande, Big Fan by the way." He stated. 

"Thank you." I hear Niall say . 

"Your Ariana Grande ?" Harry said pointing at me. 

"Mistake. London Grande." I noted pointing at Ariana right next to me. 

"Nice to meet you London. I am Harry, Harry Styles." He said while shaking my hand giving me a very cute smirk. 

"Nice to meet you too London. I mean Harry." I was loosing myself into his beautiful green eyes. 

The break was over and turned my head  towards the stage with the biggest smile. During each break Harry and I had Mini Convos. These Mini Convos lead each other to exchange numbers. These exchange number kept us keep in contact.

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن