Chapter 1- Problems

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Chapter One... Problems

-London P.O.V-

"London, School." My mother managed to say, while tapping onto my door gently. I sat up from my bed, rubbing my eyes together. " Come on London, It's your last day of senior year." She smiled, while sitting on the corner of my bed. "Let's get crackalackin, honey bun." She giggled, while exiting the door.

My mom was right, it was my last day of senior year, and I was ready to start the 'real world'. I was willing to take the real world, by going to America, and start my education in Stanford University. Where I'm willing to study anything I put my mind to, which means that I'm undecided.

I dragged myself out of bed, fixing myself up for the day. I managed to do my hair, and dress into high-waisted shorts, and flowerly crop-top. Shortly after I slipped into my white vans and was off to my last day of senior year. But first....

The most important meal of the day, BREAKFAST.

"Took another power nap, I see." My mom laughed, while rolling her eyes playfully.

"Nope, I was thinking about Stanford." I smiled, while grabbing a piece of watermelon. "Juicy." I giggled, while taking another bite of the watermelon. As I was going for another bite, I felt my hair being attacked by my annoying brother's hand. "LUKE."I grudged, while hitting him playfully on the head.

"Hello baby sister." He chuckled, while stealing my watermelon piece and eating right in front of me. "Juicy." He mimicked.

"AND that's my CUE to leave." I managed to hit luke one more time, and rushed to school

As I entered the academy, I peeked over to see my best friend Jai, which he was emptying out his locker one last time." Jai!" I smiled, while leaning against the locker right next to me. "Are you excited at all for the last day in this dump?" I giggled, while nudging him on the shoulder, but still no answer. "What's up Jai?"

"London, it's nothing." He mumbled, while taking a long pause, staring into his empty locker "I just can't believe, It's our last day of senior year . Next year we will be going our own ways. You'll be off to fancy Stanford and I'll be off Community." He looked down.

I frowned and lift up his chin, " Jai, no matter if we are two or 5,000 miles away from each other, you will always be my best friend."I smiled, while opening my arms for a big, in which he accepted.

"It's actually 5,364 miles." He chuckled, while hugging me tighter. Jai and I have been best friends since he moved here from a small town in Australia. Jai and I always did everything together. We use to ride bikes as children, and watch movies until we both fell asleep. Our connection is so strong, and I don't know what I will do next year without him.

As we stood in the middle of the hallway, hugging, the school bell rang. We went our separate ways, where Jai was off to english class, and I was off to make the morning announcements for the day.

" Good morning Holmes Chapel Academy! It's the last day of the school year ! I can't believe I'm a senior and will be graduating. I hope everyone has a fun and safe summer! Congrats to the Class of 2013 and have fun for tonight's Prom! Can every senior please meet in the gym for a class meeting. Love you Class of 2013 ! Have a great summer everyone!" I announced.

As I finished the morning announcement, I met up with jai in the hall and we went to the gym for our senior meeting. All the seniors took our seats, as we waited for our class adviser, Mrs. Berry and Mr. Haynes. They started talking about tonight's prom and the rules/

" Class of 2013, we are so excited for prom tonight ! So we have a special present for all you seniors ! We have a special guest that will be singing the whole night of prom. We must know her as the most famous american pop-star out here. Ariana Grande will be singing here tonight!! " Mrs. Berry said with excitement; everyone started to join her.

My heart dropped, and my eyes widen. I looked over to Jail , where he pulled me into a tight hug, while walking out to my car. I leaned against my car, while crying onto Jai's chest.

"No. I'm not going tonight." As I stated that I wasn't attending my senior prom, I rushed into my car and drove off.

My real name is London Grande. I am known to be Ariana Grande's other half. Ariana and I were separated from birth.

Why did my biological mother didn't want me? Well I dont have the real answer, I believe that she couldn't handle my medical problems. Therefore my adopted parents took me in, knowing that I wouldn't survive because of this rare heart condition. Doctors were obviously wrong, I survived after all, I've been healthy and perfectly normal all my 19 years. Doctors were wrong after all. 

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now