Chapter 2- I Care

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Chapter 2.. I care

-London P.O.V-

I stormed into my house, rushed up the stairs, passing my mother and father. I jumped onto the bed, and buried my head onto the pillow and crying hysterically. I felt abounded from my biological mother and Ariana. I hated hearing her name, I always feel a lump on my throat, and a punch to the stomach.

I heard little footsteps approach my room, "London." I heard a raspy voice . I peeked just a little, where Jai sat on the bed, placing his hand on my back gently. "You can't miss the one night, where you can dress up and be you." He added, while gently rubbing my back up and down. "It our last big bang before you leave for America." As I peeked one more time, I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

As I sat up from the bed, wiping that one tear rolling down his cheek, and mumbled, "Leave." He looked very confused and started to walk out my bedroom door. He look back one more time, and sighed. "Pick me up at 7 ." I demanded, while slightly smiling.

"Will do, Ms. Johnson." He chuckled, while waving goodbye.

"Ew, that sounds like my mother."I giggled, while rushing into the shower. As I finished my shower, I started to put some cover up and bronzer. I put sparkles as an eyeshadow and mascara to pop out my big brown eyes. I started to curl my brown locks to the side and pinned it to the right. I put a pop of red lipstick, which was one of my favorite color.

As my mom helped me slide into my my peachy long dress and nude heels. As my mom turned me to face the mirror, "Wow! London you can work it." I said to myself, while my mom laughed.

"You look beautiful my princess." She smiled, while kissing the top of my head, and taking a quick picture.

"Knock, Knock." Jai said entering my room. His eyes widen, "London you look wow. You're just so stunning."

"One picture before you guys go." My mother smiled, where we did what my mom demanded.

"You don't look bad yourself." I smiled, while mumbling under my breath.

Shortly after we were off to prom , where we hit the dance floor!

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now