Chapter 29- Radio Interview

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London P.O.V-

The Next Day, Early in the Morning: 

"London Grande in the building everyone." The radio host announced, when I entered the booth. I waved and hugged each host. "How are you London?"

"I'm good, thank you." I smiled, while putting the beats headphones on, and the microphone to my height.”These headphones are so big.” I giggled, while feeling them over my ears. I sat right in between two radio hostess, one a women, and the other a man.

"So will you like to describe your new character in Sam€Cat?" a young women asked, while smiling big.

" I play Cat Valentine, a very fun, loving, free spiritual,and absolutely adorable young teenager, who’s basically an airhead." I giggled, while playing with my loose curls, and looking over at the hostess.

"I love Cat’s famous line.” The guy mentioned, while chewing on his piece of gum.

"What is that supposed to mean." I talked in Cats tone, making everyone around me laugh. “Im sorry Cat’s voice is pretty annoying.”I cleared my throat, and giggled.

"So London, you act, Your sister sings,  Your brother dances. Do you guys fight who's more talented ?" one asked, while making me think for a while.

"I feel like we are all equally talented. We all can sing, dance, and act. But we chose to pick our biggest strength." I smirked, while looking over at the host.

"Oh I see." She paused, while reading a paper. " So London, we have questions from the fans, heres one." She smiled, while reading the paper. "What’s your Favorite boy band?"

"Oh I see what you did there." I started to giggle, and look at Harry who was flashing his famous grin through the glass window. "I'm stuck between The Wanted and One Direction." I mentioned, while stating the fact.

"One Direction." She winked, while making me giggle lightly.

"Oh no." I added, while giggling against the microphone, and laying my head on the table, covering my red face under half way the table. 

"Harry Styles." She chuckled, "You two are dating, am I right ?"

"Mmmhmmm." I mumbled under the table, still giggling to myself.

"How is it dating a famous boy bander?" She asked, while reading the paper. It took me a while to settle down from my giggles, and put my game face on.

" I mean , it's nothing different if I was dating a regular person. Harry's my best friend, so it's like dating a best friend, but you get to exchange kisses." I smirked big, winking lightly over to Harry.

"Harry is actually here in the studio?" I nodded yes, and pointed to window,"Harry will you mind coming in?" She asked, Harry walked in, sitting right by me, putting on the extra beats and sharing my microphone.

"Hello there." He grinned, while looking over at me. " it's so nice to meet you London Grande." He joked, while saying my last name funny.

"So Harry, how is it dating a beautiful young lady?" She asked.

"Its a struggle, because I have to share her." He chuckled to himself, and held my hand from under the table. I looked over at him and smiled lightly, studying his small dimples, and jaw line.

"Have you met the family yet?" the man finally spoke, while giving me a little nudge.

"Yes, they are so welcoming and loving. " Harry smiled. "London's Nonna is my favorite, she's my secret Lover." He held his chest playfully.

“Ive also met Harry’s family, and Im very close to his sister.” I stated, while giving Harry a funny face.

"Harry, how are liking London's red wing?" She asked. Harry looked at my hair and felt it.

"It's Different, but beautiful." He stated, while looking into my eyes.

"Don't get use to it, it's a wing." I joked, making everyone in the studio laugh.

“Their you guys have it, The beautiful London Grande, and the handsome Harry Styles.” The host smiled, “ Thank you for coming!” He looked over to Harry and I, smiling big.

“Thank you for having us!”” I smiled, while hugging each host tightly. Harry followed, and said his goodbyes, leading the way out of the studio and entering the black chevy together.  

“Interview one, Done!” Jones, came in while sitting in the front seat, next to the driver.

“Wahoo.” I cheered,while looking over at Harry, who was on his phone. “What are you doing?” I questioned Harry, who covered his phone, be leaning against the window.

“I'm video taping you.” He chuckled, while putting his phone camera facing me. “You look beautiful.” He smiled, while still video taping.

“Thank you.” I joked, while giving him my double chin smile, to make me look less attractive.

“Still beautiful.” He smiled, I looked through my phone’s twitter, still giving Harry the double chin action.

Harry P.O.V-

We arrived to the next studio, for a interview with Radio Diseny. London took her seat in the booth, while Jones and I sat on the red coach, watching London speak through the glass window. 

“Jones, what would London like ?” I questioned, while sitting down , watching London smile and giggle. 

“What do you mean?” Jones, looked over and passed me a water bottle.

“I want to get her something, like a gift, something that she will love.” I stated, while taking a sip of water, and smiling towards London.

“A pet would be cool.” Jones added, while looking through his text messages. “London atucally texted me this puppy, when she visited the shelter last week.” Jones showed a picture of London holding a  mixed golden retriever puppy.

“Which shelter?” I asked, while still looking at the picture.

“I belive its the LA shelter.” Jones stated, while grabbing his phone from my hands. 

“Thanks Jones for the help.” I smiled, looking over at London who was giving me her famous one eye wink, I just smiled.  

*9 Votes* 



London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now