Chapter 32- One Week

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Harry P.O.V-

I sat in the middle chairs of the arena, looking at the empty stage in front of me. I couldn't believe that I , Harry Styles will be performing in the Staples Center tonight at 8 sharp.

"Harry  Run!" Niall yelled, while running away from security. I ran right behind Niall who jumped on the stage and through the back doors. The back doors lead the hallway backstage. Louis and Liam ran passed us , also being followed by security. We all ran in the same directions, finally being trapped by a circle of tall big security guards

“All you boys need to get your act together for the show tonight.” Paul yelled, pointing at each and one of us. “Liam, I'm very disappointed.” Then he looked over at Louis, Niall, and I , “ Not a shock.” Paul yelled, all the guards dragged us in the green room, where Zayn was sitting on the coach. “Why can't you be just like Zayn.” Paul pointed, while making his way out of the door.

"This is child Labor!" I yelled while banging on the closed door , where Paul was probably standing by.

“Come on Harry, your first.” Lou stated.

I sat down on the spinny chair where Lou started to brush out my curls. "Is London coming tonight?" Lous asked, while spraying my quiff into place.

“Yeah, she coming with her Nona and grandpa.” I grinned, while looking at my reflection.

“What are you going to do when she goes on tour in a week?” Zayn broke the silent, while walking right by us. .

"She's not leaving in a week." I stated, while feelings make up brushes on my face.

“The Believe tour starts in a week.. Ariana is the opening act,. So that means London is leaving in a week.” Zayn demanded, while grabbing a water bottle from the table nearby.

I felt my heart shattered into a million of pieces; I just couldn't believe I had to hear the important news from my bandmate instead. When was London going to tell me? In a week. I made my way out the doors, entering the other room to change into my concert clothing.

London P.O.V-

"Nonna, Grandpa, are you ready?" I yelled from my bedroom to the guest room, where Nonna and grandpa was getting ready for tonight’s concert.

"We are coming. We are coming.” Nona claimed, while entering the room with grandpa.

"You look absolutely stunning." My Grandpa smiled, while platting a small kiss on my cheek.

"You really think?" I twirled in my black high waisted skirt, black tanktop with a sparkly gold biker jacket and tall silver heels.

"Just like your mother." My grandpa mentioned, while grabbing my two hands into his. “I love you bunny.”

“I love you too grandpa.” I smiled big, while pulling him into a tight hug.

"Lets get going.” I smiled, while grabbing each of their hands, leading them to the black chevy.

The driver took us to our destination, where you  could hear screaming fans running behind our car.Paul came running to the door, helping all of us out of the car and into the big crowd of fans. We all finally got backstage , Paul lead us to the green room, where all the boys were getting ready for their big show.

"London!" Lux came running towards me, I kneeled down, platting her a small kiss on the forehead. "I miss you" She smiled.

I picked lux up, and put her on my hip. "I miss you too baby girl !" I smiled, while Lux just giggled. "Lux, this my Nonna and grandpa.” I grinned, while pointing to them.

"Hi Nonna." Lux waved,”Hi grandpa.” Lux smiled, while blowing a small kiss to both of them. I sat on the chair against the wall, where Lux sat on my lap, and my grandparents sat right by me.

"Nonna!" Harry came walking in,giving Nonna a big kiss on the cheek. “Hello Mr.Grande.” He shook my grandpa’s hand lightly. "Hey." Harry waved and kissed lux lightly on the top of her head.

"Hey?" I said, looking at Harry's face expression all different when he saw me. "Are you okay?"I questioned, while putting lux down, and standing right beside Harry.

"No." He added, while looking to the ground, adding the earpiece into his ear, and grabbed the microphone from the counter.

"What's wrong?" I asked, while lifting his head up to make eyes contact towards me.

"When were you going to tell me that you're leaving, in a week." Harry mumbled, finally looking over to me with his watery green eyes.

"I-" I tired to say but got interrupted with Paul's comment that the boys had to be on stage in a minute. Harry made his way to the door, giving me a last disappointed look, before exiting to the stage.

Nonna, grandpa  and I took our VIP seats in the side of the stage . The whole concert, Harry had no eye contact with me, not even a small smile.Grandpa and Nona were dancing along, having a great time, when I sat down the whole time. Lux sat on my lap, trying to cheer me up, but it didn't work. When the concert was over, we all made our way backstage.

We entered the green room, being attacked by hugs from Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis. I looked over to Lou and grabbed his wrist, “Where’s Harry?” I questioned. Louis warned me Harry wasn't being himself, but still pointed to the room next door. I made my way to the other room, seeing Harry sitting down in the middle of floor, shirtless.

"Harry." I called out, while closing the door behind me. He turned around, and looked over to me, watching my every move, that lead to sitting right by me. "Im sorry." I spoke. "I didn't know how to tell you, I was planning to tell you tonight." I stated. "Im so dumb, Im sorry."

"You're not dumb." Harry broke the silent, looking over to me. "I just can't believe you're leaving me for a whole two months." He stated, while looking deep into my brown eyes.

"Me either." I added,while wrapping my arm around his waist, and laying my head on his shoulder.



London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant