Chapter 31- Surprise

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Chapter 31: Surprise

London P.O.V-

*Later that Day*

"I'm home." I yelled, opening the front door with Toulouse in my hands. "Anyone home!" I yelled , hearing voices. Ophelia and Coco ran towards me, barking loudly to Toulouse. "Cage." I pointed upstairs, Ophelia and Coco ran upstairs to their cages. 

"Over here London!" Ariana yelled, from the Dining Room table.

I walked into the dining room, seeing Ariana and her managment sitting around the table. I waved shyly, and sat right by Ariana. 

"You got a puppy?" Ariana asked, while ignoring the conversation she was having with scooter. I nodded yes, and pointed to Scooter for Ariana to pay attention.

Ariana started to pet Toulouse from under the table, but she was still paying attention to Scooter's comments. I looked to my sides, smiling to Joan and Nonna, then I looked to my front and faced the one and only.. "Justin Bieber?" I gulped, by breaking my silent.

Ariana stopped talking to Scooter and looked over at me, "Oh yeah. Justin this is my twin sister London. London this is Justin Bieber." She smiled, while going back to the conversation with Scooter.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled, while putting my hand out for a handshake.

"Harry Styles' girlfriend?" He questioned, while crossing his arms.

"mhmm." I mumbled, and brought my hand back in to pet Toulouse. " Selena Gomez boyfri-?"

"No." He interputed, while putting his sunglasses on. "And dont ask why." He crossed his arms in the front of his chest, and gave me the evil stare for the rest of the meeting. It was the most awkward thing of my life.

First Impression of Justin Bieber, Total dickhead. First Impression of Scooter, Hardworking. First Impression of the rest of the team, Didn't pay attention. Ariana said her goodbyes to Scooter, Justin and the rest of team, they all made their way to the exit. Ariana closed the door behind them, while leaning against the door.

"Remember when we said Justin Bieber is pretty hot." Ariana nodded yes. " He has a pretty ugly personality." I stated, while putting down Toulouse, and making my way to the kitchen.

"Rumor has it, Selena crushed him.." Ariana said, while following me to the kitchen. "He's heartbroken, you cant really blame him."

"He's a total ass." I giggled, while making my way to the kitchen. "So why was Justin Bieber here?"

"Tour Talk." Ariana paused, "Tour starts next week, so get packing." My eyes widen, jaw dropped, looking over at Ariana in total shock. 

"WHAT!" I covered my mouth in total shock. "How am I going to tell Harry.

"You guys are serious." Ariana added. "Tell him the truth sooner than later, before the news strick the whole world." She stated, while grabbing a chip bag from the cabient. "

Nonna walked in the kitchen, sitting right by Ariana on the high stool. "Who's the new puppy?" She asked. 

"Harry and I's." I smiled, while hearing my phone beep from the counter.  I picked up the phone, to recieve a text for Harry. 

"Nonna, quick question." I smiled, while shoving some chips in my mouth. 

"What is it darling?" She grinned, while picking Toulouse from the ground, and petting him nicely. 

"Tomorrow night, Are you busy?" I smiled, while looking at my phone once more. 

"No, why darling?" She asked once more, while eating a chip herself. 

"One Direction is having a concert tomorrow, and.." I tired to say, until Nona jumped into my arms with a big hug. 

"Yes!" She yelled, while hugging me tightly. I grabbed my phone and showed nonna the concert tickets that was sent to my phone, from Harry of course. " VIP!" She yelled once more, while jumping funny in place. "I cant wait!" She smiled big, running to my mom and grandpa to tell them the big news. 

"Thanks for the invite." Ariana rolled her eyes, and made her way to exit.

"You went Last Time!" I yelled, making Ariana hear it from the other room. I looked down at Toulouse, who was waiting for food. I grabbing the bowl full of food, while placing it on  the ground. I kneeled down, petting Toulouse softly.

"How am I going to tell Harry." I mummbled to myself, and Toulouse barked back. 


*10 VOTES* 


London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now