Start from the beginning

"Venus!" Nick yelled from behind me

"When where you going to tell me?" I yelled as my father recuperated from my hit

"Tell you what?" he asked, a sudden wild look in his eys

"Tell me that I was just an experiment! How about maye that me and Nick have an older sister? Maybe how our mother that we never met died? How about maybe that you're a government official? You know, the ones we were told to stay away from?" I questioned

Father had a look of guilt and sadness in his eyes, he had been caught red handed and there was no stopping it.

"Is that true?" Nick asked stepping beside me and crossing his arms

"Nick I don't know wher she go tthat from, did Harriett tell you that Venus?" He asked me

The son of a gun thought he could get away with a lie? No no no, not happening sir.

"Oh, oh no! No harriett didn't tell me anything. Julia did" I said crossing my arms

His eyes widened, the name mustve it him like a stone.

"B-but shes dead!" he exclaimed as he stepped back

"Well yeah, but when you're a dimensional being you don't really care much about death." I said crossing my arms

"Did you know our mothers name was Amber?" I asked, turning to Nick

"N-no" he stuttered

"Exactly. Wanna know why she died?" I asked him

He nodded his head slowly and I raised an eyebrow.

"Because father over here, decided to stick with the authoritys and do his job in letting them take our older sister. Not that im saying he was wrong in trying to defend his daughter but, he knew the consiquences of even starting the expirement, so why do it?" I stated pointing at father who was now shaking

"you have got to be kidding" Nick said looking over at father

"Dad answer me this question. Why?" I asked crossing my arms and stepping forward

He mumbled something and I could hear it clearly well but im sure Nick couldn't.

"Im sorry we didn't catch that, we would like to know WHY" I said

"For the money and a scientific break through!" he yelled out

The first time he had mumbled 'For a Scientific Break Through' but I stumbled back when I heard 'Money'. I looked at him with sheer anger and disappointment. He had sacrificed the life of his loving wife and first born, and probably my own for the sake of money? Anger boiled in me and my fist balled tight. I felt a sudden pulse in my neck and I fell out of councious. The only thing I could think about was the death of the man before me.

"Kill him" was what I heard in my head, a familiar voice repeated the words

Uncounciously I sprang forward, hearing Nick call my name faintly and my father terrified expression.



I stepped out of te car in front of my home, I was eager to see my family and show them in person that I was alive. The front doo swung open and my mother ran out with my father tagging along behind. They embraced me in a extreamly tight hug.

"Okay, guys I have to breath!" I whispered as there grip tightened

They laughed and let go. My mother looked me in the eyes and brushed my cheek with her hand. I grabbed her hand and nestled my head into it. Aalyiah suddenly came running out the front door screaming my name before jumping on me.

"Woah hey!" I said as I twirled her around and set her down on the ground

"You made it back!" she said hugging me around my waist

"Welll if it wernt for that promise I wouldnt have" I said bending down to her level nad brushing the hair out of her face

"Where is Venus?" She asked looking around

"Shes at home at the top of the hill" I said pointing up to the hill

Then I noticed something that shocked me. Venus ran from around side her house looking completely shocked and confused. Her brother ran up behind her and grabbed her hand, pointing to the woods frantically. Was she running? Suddenly Keepers came from behind the house on the other side, Harriett sitting in the car in the drive way. Venus took her brothers hand and they ran into the woods.

"Venus?" I said out loud

The Keepers saw her vanish into the woods and they ran after her. What was going on?

"I'll be right back" I said not even bothering to look back at my family

"What? Shan where do you think your going?" My mother asked crossing her arms

"Its Venus, somethings wrong shes in danger!" I yelled for I had already started running down the street

Something WAS wrong. Keepers were chasing Venus into the woods but why is the question. Why were they even there in the first place, like why did they stay? My viehcle just drove off once I got out. I finally got to the edge of the woods and without stopping ran in. I had light footsteps against the forest floor and could suddenly hear Venus's quick heavy ones stop. I slowed down as I approached the clearing Venus and I had met in when we were little.

"Venus what happened back there?!" I heard her brother yell

"I- I don't know, I wasnt myself s-something made me do it" I heard say in shock

I walked in closer until I could finally see the inside of the clearing. My eyes widened at what they saw. Venus's hands had blood on them, her floral dress teared and her boots scruffed up. I stepped in and there heads snaped in my direction.

"Venus, what DID you do?"

Invisible (S.M.) ✔Where stories live. Discover now