[Rick Grimes] While You're Asleep

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An unexpected kiss leads to flustered questions and an abundance of fluff.
[set between the break of season five to six]

"Rick." You whispered, leaning against the door of his bedroom. He lied against the pillow, cradling his arm. He looked up, his face lighting up at the sight of you.
"Y/n." He whispered back. You held up the pale white bandages, a small goofy grin on your face.
"Doctors call."
Rick smiled to himself, yawning obviously.
You crept over to the bed, climbing onto it next to Rick. You took his cradled arm and began wrapping it.
"How are you feeling?" You asked him. Rick opened his mouth to speak but ended up yawning mid way through.
"Tired." He replied. You smiled to yourself, watching him shut his eyes.
"I would be if I were you, too." You told Rick. "Assuming your run went as bad as mine?"
Rick nodded slowly.
"Well, talk to me about it?" You asked Rick, lifting his arm to wrap further up it.
"Ran into a couple'a storage trucks with Daryl. Thought it'd be a goldmine. Things were full of walkers. We killed as many as we could and ran." Rick's voice was groggy with exhaustion. He looked like he was struggling to stay awake.
"Nice. I was watching Judith for the day, until Spencer decided to leave without telling anybody. I followed him out. Saved his ass." You explained. Rick nodded.
"Seems' like all we do is save his ass." Rick sighed. You shrugged.
"It's making Deanna trust us more and more by the day. We're playing our cards right. I mean...I was thinking about our lives here, Rick. We could actually have one." You ridiculed. Rick shrugged, his eyes still closed.
"What? Thinking of repopulatin' with Spencer, huh?"
You snorted, shaking your head. "No. I've got someone else in mind."
"Oh really?" Rick taunted. You punched his shoulder playfully, finishing wrapping his arm and pushing yourself off the bed. You watched Rick for about a minute, with his eyes shut, laying against the bed in perfection. You were completely and utterly in love with this man. With his children. With his voice. With him. Everything and anything Rick Grimes related was yours to dream of.

He must have been asleep now. You could tell by the way his chest rose and fell. No stress in the way he breathed. Natural and light breaths. You wondered if he had began dreaming yet. If he had, what was it that Rick Grimes was dreaming about? What did hero's dream about? Did they battle in their dreams as they did in their waking lives?

You walked to the door- but stopped as your heart began beating at a fast pace. You decided to look back at Rick- sound asleep on the bed. You felt your breathing match his. You felt like you should have been next to him.
You knelt down by Rick Grimes and kissed his lips- and despite it being quick, you considered the kiss a better goodnight than any words could have displayed.

You left Rick's bedroom with glee, crinkling the bandage packet and jotting down the stairs of the Alexandrian house you shared with him and a couple of others.

You scooped up Judith, the crying toddler, from her playpen. With the maternal instinct you had, you began rocking her on your knee.

Denise came in, knocking on the door with a pen tucked behind her ear. She smiled, leaning against the doorframe and watching you with Judith.
"That's adorable." Denise noted, entering the living room. "Y/n, I was just coming to check that you dealt with Rick?" She asked. You nodded, showing her the package the bandage once was.
"And the concussion?" She questioned. You raised a brow.
"What? Rick had a concussion?"
"Yes?" Denise confirmed. "He fell. What did you think happened?"
"SHIT!" You exclaimed, placing Judith back into the playpen.
"What?" Denise inquired.
"Rick's asleep!" You sprinted up the stairs, skidding to a halt in front of Rick's bed.
"Rick!" You whispered, shaking his shoulders. He opened his eyes almost immediately.
"Huh? Y/n? What's wrong?" Rick frantically asked, sitting up.
"Oh good." You whispered, running your fingers through your hair. "You're awake. I was just worried because you had a concussion and y'know you're not allowed to let people sleep when they have a concussion." Relief washed over you. Well thank god he had woken.
"Asleep?" Rick chuckled. "I didn't fall asleep?"
You blushed, blood rushing to your cheek.
"Huh?" You raised a brow, feeling butterflies awake in your stomach. "You...you weren't sleeping?"
"No." Rick simply replied.
You paused, blinking faster than usual.
"So...you were awake..?" You began. Rick nodded. "Oh."
Rick smiled a goofy smile. "You kissed me."
"Huh?" You went doh-eyed and pale, reddening with embarrassment. You ran your fingers through your hair nervously. "Yeah." You replied slowly, pressing your lips into a thin line.
"Do you like me?" Rick asked this excruciatingly slowly, letting every word linger. He was being playful, teasing almost.
"No." You replied back gingerly, standing up. Rick sat up, then stood so he was towering over you.
"Okay." Rick whispered, closing in. "Do you love me?"
For a second you were about to say yes, before you scolded yourself.
Hesitantly you replied with "No."
Rick stepped back, leaning against the wall with a smug smile.
"No?" His shoulders sagged. "Here I was, after a long day, lying on the bed. Here comes Y/n, who patches me up and leaves me with a kiss. It ain't wrong for assumin', is it?"
Your voice was hitched in your throat. You couldn't speak.
"Rick-" you opened your mouth to protest his allegations when he continued speaking. This time his voice was real low.
"So tell me," Rick whispered. "If I were to lean over and kiss you again, would you push me off of you, seein' as you don't love me back?"
You smiled- and suddenly felt light. Like you were drifting off in the wind. You were no longer embarrassed about the way you felt- because Rick was feeling it too.
"No." You replied, sharing the same goofy grin as Rick. He placed his lips on yours- and the second kiss ruled way better than the first.

You had your arms around his waist and were kissing him when you heard the knock. Rick didn't stop. He wasn't ashamed for anyone to see the two of you together. When he pulled away, Denise was standing by the door with a glass of water.
"Denise." Rick breathed out, running his hands through his hair and sitting back down on the bed. Denise looked amused to say the least.
"Well, here I was coming to check you hadn't died...you're alive, alright." Denise chuckled. The tint of red returned back to your cheeks as you watched Denise leave, placing the water on the table before she did so.

You sat down next to Rick- and he cupped your face with his hands.
"So Y/n, I'll ask you again...do you love me?"
You looked deeply into his eyes, smirk plastered on your face.
"God, yes. Rick." You breathed out, kissing his nose quickly. "What's not to love?"

PRESENTING: Shameless Self Promotions!
Check out my new fanfic review book!

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Sorry fam. So am I- but a gal has gotta do what a gal has gotta do...

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