[Daryl Dixon] A Dixon Baby

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[disclaimer: this idea was from an imagine on tumblr. Their idea, my version of it]

Oh yes. This is foh shiz. You are totally preggers with Daryl's baby and you meet up at Alexandria with baby Dixon.

When the prison fell under the hands of the governor you were six months pregnant. You had a stomach as big as the moon, morning sickness and clothes that didn't fit.
For the whole six months none of your clothes worked. Things were hard in the prison with the pregnancy but everyone worked together. Glenn threw in a oversized tee and Daryl gave you an old shirt of Merle's that he kept.

When the prison went up in flames you were by yourself. A pregnant woman by herself? Yeah, it was the hardest you've ever had to face. It was even harder without Daryl. You survived madness and you were driven by one thing, keeping the baby alive.

It had been a month and a half before you saw anyone. Before you even saw human life. You'd seen plenty of animals all thanks to the lovely Daryl, who'd previously taught you how to build traps and set snares. You were eating well and your baby was kicking madly. You assured yourself she'd be alright. As long as you kept telling yourself she was okay, she was okay.

When you met Aaron he was very kind, which made you tentative to go with him. You were desperate for a place to relax and deliver the baby and your heart screamed 'yes! Go with him!' But you didn't want to wind up with the wrong people and put baby Dixon in danger.
You knew Daryl was alive- and as soon as you were well enough to go looking for him, you were gonna be able to present him with his beautiful baby. Nothing was going to stop you from placing that child in his arms.

Aaron sold you though, it was tricky but he did. He fed you with something other than hunted gamy meat and took you to Alexandria. You were given your own home, a mansion to be exact (far too big for you and baby Dixon) and a handful of goods for the baby, thanks to the Alexandrians.
A young mother named Jessie helped you out, she gave you a beautiful crib for baby Dixon and piles of clothes for him. You were given what maternity clothes could be scrambled up but no matter what, you always preferred to wear the the shirts Daryl and Glenn gave you. It was a piece of them, always reminding you to keep on going. To do what was right for the baby.

The baby came a few weeks earlier than you were expecting. You were sitting on the sofa when your water broke and you painfully wobbled down onto the streets.
"I'm HAVING A BABY!" You yelled- seeing all the shocked faces. Diana's two sons were in the neighbourhood and carried you to the infirmary and the doctor helped you give birth.
It was bumpy and you didn't have any painkillers. Essentially you had to ride out the pain and breath through it. When it came to cutting the umbilical cord, since Daryl wasn't there to do it, Diana did.
When the baby was finally cut free and clean the doctor brought him in to you, wound in a blue blanket.
"It's a boy." He told you. Your heart just about melted when baby Dixon was placed in your arms.
You held the most precious thing in your arms that day and in that moment, staring into his beautiful big eyes, you never thought you could love someone so much.
Everything you loved in Daryl you could see in baby Dixon.
"Have you thought of a name yet?" Diana asked, leaning over the bed. You stared down at him, now asleep.
A wide grin formed on your face.
"I'm gonna call him Beau." You said. Bow. It seemed like the cheesiest name to call the baby of an archer but you loved cheese. You loved it. It just seemed at that moment the most perfect thing to call it. Beau Dixon.

The next two weeks with Beau were both the hardest and the best weeks of your life. You relaxed and spent every second of every minute with him. You missed Daryl more than anything though and the whole time you smiled for him. You took care of Beau the best you could, cause that's what Daryl would have wanted.

It was the third week of having baby Beau that was the best week- because something beautiful happened. A new group were brought into Alexandria. A huge group. A jaded, strong and big group.
Of course, you were interested to see who they were. This town was a gift and you were curious to see who would share it with you. From your house they seemed like tiny blurs- but as you cradled Beau in your arms and walked closer, your heart just about exploded in your chest.
"DARYL!" Your broken voice screamed. You knew you better not run with Beau in your arms but you knew you had to see this for yourself. The closer you got the more you recognised.
Rick, Carl, baby Judith, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Sasha. More.
Daryl didn't hear you at first so you called again, sprinting towards them as fast as a women who had given birth two weeks before could.
He turned his head to face you and you saw his expression- an expression you would never forget.
He sprinted towards you and he enveloped you in a hug, careful not to hurt the baby in your arms. In that moment you felt so overwhelmed. You hid your head in his neck and sobbed for what felt like hours. It was only minutes though. Daryl lifted your face up and pressed his lips to your forehead, clutching you tightly.
No words were exchanged as you stayed there in your moment.
Then baby Dixon let out a whimper and all attention was drawn on him. Daryl stepped back, looking down at Beau. You saw a look in his face that you'd never seen before. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he scooped the small baby from your arms.
You had an arm on his and your face lit up, watching father with son.
"Daryl." You whispered, taking his attention off baby Dixon. "His name is Beau."
Daryl grinned widely and cradled baby Dixon in his arms. You couldn't stop smiling for the whole day.

The next week, Daryl and you set up a place in the house you shared with the rest of the group for Beau. Everyone gawked at the gorgeous little baby, Maggie watched her while you slept and Daryl couldn't stay away. Beau and Judith shared a crib and they lie together at night.
Daryl and Rick were both fathers whose children would be future best friends.
Everything had been turning out amazing for you.

You had your family now- everything was good.
Everything was great.

Sorry to all of you who want to poach me after naming the baby Beau. It's so cheesy that I couldn't not put it in there. Leave a comment and tell me if you enjoyed this! ALSO- guyssss please don't be shy, I need requests. I'm runnin out of creativity.

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