[Carl Grimes] Nightmares

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Carl comforts you after you wake from nightmares.

PROMPT:Carl comforts you after you wake from nightmares

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[requested by YouTube_Trash_2 ]

Sweat beaded on your forehead as your shirt stuck to your chest. You jolted awake, feeling a deep pit of angst and dread wash over you. You clawed at the bed sheets, feeling shaky all over. Trembles and small cries emit themselves from your lips as hot salty tears ran down your cheeks.

You let out murmurs, rubbing your hands over your arms frantically to calm the goosebumps. You didn't know how loud you were- you still trapped inside your own fears and recovering from watching them.

You were loud though- loud enough to catch the teenage boy who was making his way upstairs with a glass of water. Carl knocked against the door gently, so that if he had misheard and you weren't awake, he wouldn't wake you.

You jumped at the sound. Carl raised a brow, turning the doorknob and poking his head into your room.

There you sat, pale and covered in sweat. With nothing but bike shorts and a singlet. You had pushed all of the blankets off of you in your fit upon waking up.

"Y/n?" Carl called. You sighed as soon as your eyes landed on him. You were too rattled to be embarrassed. Your shoulders sagged as you hiked the sheets back on top of you.
"Sorry." You whispered with a weak and fragile voice. Carl opened the door wider.
"Did I wake you?" You questioned. Carl shook his head, coming into the room. He sat down on the edge of the bed, holding his glass of water out to you. "I was just getting some water. Here, you have it."
You didn't hesitate to drink the water, in attempt to rid your dry mouth.
When you were done, you placed the cup on the side table.
"I'm sorry, Carl." You whispered. Carl smiled slightly.
"Why are you sorry?" He questioned. "Are you alright?"
You nodded, giving him a weak smile. But you couldn't hold it, tears prickled at the corners of your eyes as you exploded into heavy sobs. Carl wrapped an arm around your shoulder, hugging you. You cried into his chest, shaking violently.
"Was it a nightmare?" Carl proceeded to ask. You pulled away, wiping your face dry.
"Yeah." You sighed. Carl nodded.
"Was it about her?"
Carl sighed. "I'm sorry, Y/n...I know it's hard. When I lost my mother I had nightmares every.single.night." He sounded pained as well.
"I-I've lost people before, Carl...but now it's worse. It's worse because we're here. We're safe in Alexandria as they're gone." You tried not to cry, looking up at Carl in the darkness, his baseball tee and boxers. He nodded in agreement.
"I know...I know Y/n." He whispered. "I wish I could make it better."
You looked at his striking blue eyes in the darkness- reflected upon the moonlight that shone through the window.
"You can." You whispered, moving over. "Can you please...stay with me?"
Carl scooched closer, lying back against the wall. You rested your arm down in between you.
"I can't sleep anymore. I'm so scared of sleeping." You sighed. Carl reached over, grazing his fingers against your arm and drawing on it. A small smile curled at the corner of your lips.
"Talk to me." Carl insisted. You shrugged.
"It's like...everyday is hard without her, you know? I feel like I'm walking through wet cement and quick sand. Like something is dragging me back. And if it's not bad enough suffering through the daylight, when I close my eyes I'm haunted. I don't want to wake. I don't want to sleep."
You rested your head on Carl's shoulder.
"Tell me it gets easier?" You prospered. "Tell me it goes away?"
Carl looked down, intertwining his fingers with yours and giving them a squeeze.
"It doesn't get easier, you get stronger. You're not alone Y/n. You have me. You have people who want to help you through. You've always had us." Carl squeezed your hand once more.
"You can't blame yourself that they aren't here. They wouldn't want you to. Live your life, Y/n. Live it with me."
You looked over at Carl and he looked over at you. He smiled at you and you smiled at him.
"I will always be here with you." Carl whispered.
"You promise?"
Your lips were just inches apart- so the whispers were like waves washing over you.
"I won't leave. You won't ever have to relive losing me in your dreams." He continued. You smiled, feeling relieved.
"Thank you, Carl."
Before you could do anything, Carl pressed a small kiss against your lips. You smiled into it, pulling away.
You lied down on the bed, turning to the side. Carl lied down, not putting his arm around you, not kissing you, not whispering sweet nothings.

Just being with you.
And that was enough.

TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY?! WHAAAAA???? Leave me a comment to let me know what you thought of this!

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