[Carl Grimes] Stronger

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Carl is hesitant to let you go on a hunt with the group because he is afraid something might happen to you.

"I still don't feel okay with you going out there Y/N." Carl says, flicking his long hair to move it from his face "What if something happens to you? I would never forgive myself."

You grin, It was nice to see Carl getting all protective and worried but he didn't need to be. You knew well and good just how to protect yourself.
"Carl," You blush, smiling at him. "I know how to kill walkers."

He shakes his head. "So do most of the population of the world right now but they still get bit...or other things happen. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if you get hurt and I'm not there." You look out to the gates, Tyreese and Daryl loading the truck while Sasha and Michonne shift things into the back.
"But I won't. It's going to be fine. Plus, you'll be right by my side..." You smile at him one last time before planting a kiss on his lips and turning away, making your way down the grassy field. When you get at the car, Sasha smiles at you, nodding towards Carl, who is slowly approaching you guys.

"He okay? With you coming out with us?" she asks. You shake your head.

"He's not but he understands, this is something I have to do. My family might be out there."
She nods, opening the car door and gesturing for me to slide in beside Michonne, who doesn't say anything, just grins. Soon Carl slides in beside you. Daryl sits in the drivers side, looking back at you guys.

"Y'all good to go?" He lightly grows. You nod and he turns back, starting up the car.

The ride is short, into a small deserted town. Daryl pulls up on the street and swings his crossbow over his back.
"We got about half a dozen walkers down there." And with that he gets out, archer ready to use against the walkers.

You reach for your gun, stepping out of the car after Michonne. Except you slide your gun back in its holster. Figures it would be better to keep this silent. Gun shots would only bring more.
Carl stands beside you, motioning for you to go behind him.

"Cowboy, I'll be fine." You reply, slowly approaching the walker, you wait until it gets close enough before kicking at its kneecaps hard, the walkers knee buckles and it collapses. You wince, hearing the shiverous sound of the walkers bone breaking, it sags, stopping all body movement with the exception of its jaw, which continues to yap.

You smirk to yourself, without any weapon of defence you were able to take the walker down. Not kill it but take it down.

Then you turn around, that smirk of victory still plastered on your face as you met Carl's, which is a look of annoyance.

"Okay but what if the walker was fresher. You know it wouldn't have fallen that easily." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"Why are you so quick to prove I'm weak." You argue.
"I don't think your weak, I think you're strong. It's one of the things I love about you." He laughs to himself. "I just don't want you to get h-" his eyes enlarge as he shoves you to the side fast. "Watch out!" He yells.

You slam to the ground, bending your ankle painfully as you fall.

"What was that for?!" You mumble, dusting yourself off. Carl quickly stands up, using his machete on the walker that you had 'taken down'.

He looks to you, his eyes enlarge as a look of pure worry spreads across his face.
Soon his eyes well up slightly with tears. More tears of aggravation then pain.

"It almost BIT you!!" He yells, throwing his arms in the air. You exhale, attempting to stand up but your ankle stopping you.

"But I'm okay..." You silently whisper, shutting your eyes to come to terms with it.
Carl sits beside you, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Y/N. Right there, the one thing I didn't want to happen, happened. You almost got BIT!"

You feel his arms snake around your waist as he pulls you closer, his chest puffing because he is out of breath.
"Carl, calm down." You quietly whisper. He puts his head in his hands, sighing.

"How can I? I almost lost you!"
You place your hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, you're not gonna lose me. Not now, not anytime soon."

Carl nods slowly.

"You know how I feel about you being out here. I'm just worried."
"I was being stupid and I'm sorry. I took down my guard for a second." He shakes his head but keeps his mouth shut.

"Man. You really scared me back there."
You nod. "You know what. Let's go back."

He shakes his head. "What? No! You have to search for your family!" You take his hand in your own.

"No. You, Rick, Beth, Mika, Judy, you guys are my family. So let's go back home."
Carl looks up to you, smiling.

"I love you."

You peck his lips, smiling.

"You too, cowboy."

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