[Shane Walsh] Insane

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Shane is kicked out of his group and left to fend on his own. He meets you and along the years you two develop a strong bond.

[a/n: I don't particularly like Shane but he was hot and he was a good survivor. Their probably aren't many Shane gals (or guys) out there but I thought I'd mix it up.]

"C'mon man, it's gonna get you." You muttered under your breath, clutching at the brick wall you hid behind. You watched him repetitively knock in a walkers head. Smashing and smashing the butt of his shotgun at it.
This guy was real mad about something.
What he didn't know in his blinded rage was that a dead man was right behind him. Limping to its prolonged feed.

You held your breath. He's gotta realise the walker sooner or later, right? By the amount of sound that thing is making...right? Maybe it would be the best thing to kill it for him- but then that walker might have another dead body lying beside it. This guy was insane? Who just aimlessly bashed in an already dead dead-man's head?

You brushed your hair back and regripped your glock. Right thing or safe thing? Right thing. Losing humanity in this world was a choice.
So you stepped out from behind the wall and shot the walker. Leaping in time to press the gun to the mans head, which was shaven and sweaty.
"Don't move." You gritted. Not that you'd actually shoot him. He immediately dropped his bloodied shotgun and put his hands in the air.
Now you could see the sheriff shirt he wore and the army green khakis drenched in blood.
"Come on, physco. Just saved your life." You bit your tongue and took the gun off his head, walking backwards to put distance between him and yourself.
He stood up, turning around slowly- not forgetting to pick up his gun in the process.
"What's your name?" You call. He runs his hand over his shaved head.
"Shane." He replies.
"I'm Y/n." Your voice is strong and loud.
"Why'd you stick your neck out like that for me, Y/n?" He asks, an unsure look on his face. He looked broken.
"Cause I'm not dick enough to watch a guy get eaten by a corpse. Now if you don't mind, I gotta run. There'll be more where that came from." You point to the walker you had just shot.
You turn to leave and noticed him pace to you, walking next to you.
"Now I know this has gotta sound crazy, but why don't you let me tag along. I'm hungry, thirsty and tired. It'd be good to have the company as well if I'm not lying. Pretty girl like you..."
You scoffed. "Crazy? Try insane, perve."
"Sorry. Didn't meant to come across that way. Just seems like a good deal of what you just did, wasted. You got a big bag- I can only imagine you have food and water- and what's the point of savin' my ass just for me to die of thirst the next day?"

He made a good point. But still no.
"No. Go away." You barked at him, stopping your pace and facing him. As your eyes met his, you sort of melted. He was good looking.
Just as your eyes scaled over his features, dozens of walkers filled the clearing. Shoot, must have been a lot nearby. Why was karma being such an asswipe lately? This is what you got for saving Shane's butt?
You sighed, grabbing his wrist for a second.
"God...just...follow me!" You turned to your side and ran into the alley you had hid in. You made a sharp left and he followed- sadly so did the meat-bags. You continued until the fire escape to one of the apartments got in view.
"You're gonna have to hoist me up. Then I'll chuck that chair down and you can climb up."
He nods, grabbing your waist and effortlessly hoisting you up. You fumble to grab the top of the fire escape but pull yourself up. You then let down a chair for him to stand on and get up. He uses the chair to get up- and pulls himself onto the fire exit. Below it, dozens of walkers filled the space.

With another pained sigh, you began climbing the stairs of the fire escape.
"For a second there, thought you were gonna leave me." He puffed, gripping the stair handle tightly as you ascended them to the apartment.
"Like I said- not a dick." You exhaled, walking into the open apartment room you had been staying in.
"This your place?" He asked, brushing his fingers against the door pane.
"Not at first- but this place has a view of the area- fire escape and the whole apartment is empty. So I kinda made it my place."
You turned your backpack over and fished out a water bottle- tossing it to Shane.
"I'm gonna risk my own life by telling myself I saved you enough to not be in danger. Please don't make me regret saving your life, okay?" You take another water bottle and chug it yourself.
"You won't." Shane says, a smirk on his face.

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