[Daryl Dixon] Just A Crush

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You and Maggie are best friends and you confide in your crush on Daryl to her. Sick of you two flirting, Maggie decides to tell Daryl so that you two can finally be together.

[Requested by @hillimmie1 ]

"You're a mess." You clearly stated, concern in your voice and worry in your facial expression.
In your hand you held Daryl's right hand, which was covered in cuts and gashes. In your other hand you held a swab, drenched in disinfectant.
"Thanks." He mumbled, staring at the wall behind you.
"So tell me again; You drove a car off of a bridge because it was surrounded by walkers." You creased your brows, wiping at his hand. "Oh boy. We need a full body scan or something. How are you not dead?"
You were blurting things out. Mainly because you were worried about him. Secondly because you were madly in love with him.
"Beats me." Daryl bluntly replies. You smile slightly, wiping away the dried blood on his hand. As you do so, his fingers curl around yours slightly. 'It's only instinct', you tell yourself...but that doesn't stop the butterflies from throwing a party in your guts.
"Do you hurt?" You question him, trying your best not to sound weird. You were the closest thing the group had to a nurse, so it wasn't like it was weird for you to be cleaning his wounds.
"Mmhm." You take the swab off of his hand and place it down, bringing a bandage out from the first aid kit. "It's a little dirty since Rick was wearing it. I washed it though, so it should be fine."
He nodded slowly, watching as you wrapped it around his hand.
He then moved his head, flicking his long hair out of his eyes. You avoided eye contact, feeling butterflies dance around.
"All done." You mumbled, letting go of his hand.
"Thanks doc." He replied, standing up. You smiled, taking his arm as he turned away.
"Hey Daryl...this group needs you alive...so take care of yourself, okay?"
He smiles slightly and you let go of his arm, turning your back on him.

As you turn to leave the church, you run into Maggie, almost bashing into her.
"Hey." She says, reaching over and squeezing your hand. "Finished fixing up Daryl?"
You nod, following her to the stairs outside of the church.
The two of you sit down.
"He got pretty messed up." You state, glancing over at Maggie. Maggie wears a goofy grin on her face and you nudge her, raising a brow.
"What?" You inquire, watching as she grins.
"He had a few scratches, Y/n. I'm no idiot."
You blush, tapping your fingers on the stairs to calm your now surfaced nerves. "What?"
"Stop saying what. We both know what."
You glare at her. "What...?"
"It's no secret to me, Y/n. You like him. Lord knows both of you could use each other. It's nice." She smiles and you enlarge your eyes. Oh god. How did she know?!
"You can't tell anyone...okay?!" Panic arises in your voice as you speak. It's not something that you're embarrassed about, it's just that you weren't good with dealing with crushes and love.

Maggie shakes her head.
"There's no saying that your gestures won't give it away...?" She teases, nudging you.
"Maggie!" You exclaim, knocking her with your shoulder. "You know I'm not good with this stuff!"
She shrugs, still smiling.
"Listen Y/n. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say he feels the same way. Maybe...if you were to tell him...?"
"No!" You immediately spoke. "I can't! I'm no good with that stuff! I'll make a fool of myself!"
Maggie shakes her head in disappointment.
"I'm just thinkin...maybe if you had a little push...?"
"No! The only push that's going to be happening is me asking you to push me off a cliff if we keep this conversation going." To say you were blushing was an understatement. Your knees felt weak. Your hands were shaking. Damn, all you were doing was TALKING about Dixon. Not even to his face. What would happen if you were speaking face to face with him? Gosh, you could only imagine.

"I just think it's a shame. If I hadn't have found Glenn when I did I don't know what would've happened. Loving him keeps me strong. It's the best thing that's happened to me. Your my family, Y/n. I want you to have that same thing." The way she talks is so persuasive. You wish you could be like her. So forward and brave.
"Listen, Mag. I'm just not brave like you. Daryl won't pick up condoms in a pharmacy and suddenly I'll whip out my rack. I just don't think that's how it would work with us. I don't even know if it could work. I'm not brave and romantic and out there like you. I wish I could be but I'm not. Now as much as I love this heart to heart...I'm going to vomit."

It was no question you were in love with Daryl. The two of you had been watching out for each other since you'd met. Maybe it was unrequited, but quite frankly, it kept you alive. Daryl was the kind of determination that you needed. You drew strength from him. You'd be absolutely devastated if anything were to happen to him. That was no lie.

"Alright. Fine." Maggie didn't seem so disappointed anymore. If anything, it seemed she understood now.
"I'm going to go check on Glenn. Hey, I was talking to Rosita and she said something about a sprained wrist. She's out back. Can you check on her?" Maggie asked. You nodded, standing up and then helping Maggie up.
"Course. I'll get to it now."

So you did your nurse thing and wrapped Rosita's wrist. It was nice to talk to her, since it got your mind off of Daryl. Now, Maggie had lit a fire...and it was only getting bigger. The nerves in your chest took a little while to fade, but eventually they did. You were able to eat. However, keeping it down was another story.

At night, everyone settled down in the church. You, however, had some thinking to do.
So you sat down on the stairs in front of the church where you and Maggie had previously spoke. It was pretty at this time of night. The sky was a midnight blue and the stars were shining extremely bright. In a perfect world, this would be a moment worth sharing.

"Y/n?" You heard someone say. Their voice was small and quiet but you'd recognise it anyway. It was Daryl.
You gulped, turning around.
"Hey." You whispered, your voice even smaller. The butterflies got in their positions and started doing backflips again. Gosh, they were throwing a pretty rockin' party.
"I...uh." He stuck out his right hand, the dirty bandage hanging off of it. "Normally I'd fix it myself. I mean...I tried...its just, it's my right hand."
You smiled, motioning for him to sit down.
He held out his hand for you to take and you took it. This time, it wasn't like this morning. He wasn't holding out a sore bloody hand. He was holding out a soft, clean hand- and instead of his fingers barely curling around your palm, they were now holding it.
You began rewrapping the bandage on his hand, making sure not to stuff it up.
"How'd it come off?" You questioned, immediately cringing at the question.
"Uh..." He didn't finish his sentence. You shrugged it off.
"Okay." You sighed, letting go of his hand. "All done."
But as soon as your hand left his, it was on your face, cupping your cheek.
You looked up, your eyes meeting his. In this moment, somehow, everything felt natural. The nerves weren't making you want to vomit. You were loving every second of being close to him. It all felt so natural.
He leaned in slowly, in fact so slow that you could count every heartbeat.
Then, his lips brushed yours. It was quick. It was so quick that for a second it didn't even feel real.
As soon as your lips made contact he pulled away.
"Sorry..." He mumbled, shying away. You smiled, shaking your head.
"Don't be."
"It's just...uh...Maggie told me how you feel about me and I wanted you to know..." He stopped, taking a deep breath.
"What?" You inquired. He turned back, meeting you with his eyes.
"Nothing...its stupid."
You shook your head.
"I...I love you too."

And that moment right there- that moment was when everything stopped. The world stopped. Time stopped.
The walkers stopped. The pain stopped. The nerves stopped. Everything stopped and all that mattered was Daryl and the three words he had just shyly muttered.

"I guess it's stupid, love...I mean, I ain't never felt it before...but I think it feels somethin' like this." He spoke like a lost little boy. He was so vulnerable. So scared.
"You...you love me?"
"Yeah. Guess I was never man enough to say it but yeah. I do."
You leaned forward, touching forehead with his.
"I love you too. I do."

Maybe Maggie had given you that push- but it the end, how could you not be grateful.
This was it. This was the moment that everything has led up to. It wasn't unrequited. He loved you- and that mattered more than anything else.

So in a way, Maggie kinda did you a solid.

HOWDY EVERYONE. I didn't edit this I just freaked cause I realised I didn't post a Daryl one like I promised and was too excited and just went ahead and posted it. YALL ARE SO AMAZING AS IVE SAID. You all have no idea how much your comments mean to me. I read EVERY ONE and I screenshot them and re read them 70000 times over cause they're honestly great and I couldn't have asked for better readers.

Thank you all for the support on my new Rick Grimes fanfiction. I PROMISE IT WILL BE BOMB.COM. Also, guys, never be shy to request. NO MATTER HOW WILD OR WEIRD AN IDEA IS I AM READY TO WRITE!!!!!
Hope all is well and that you're all okay. Always hit my messages or kik if you wanna chat,
Lots of love,
P.s are any of y'all watching Ftwd??? I could put some Nick or Chris or even anyone else in my imagine book. Just request and I'll see what I can do ;) anyways hola

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