[Carl Grimes] Grown Too Fast

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Eighteen year old Carl Grimes gets some pretty shocking news after the death of Glenn and Abraham.
[requested by Luke_Hemmings101 . Thanks so much for being an awesome reader. I hope you like it! ]

"Hey." You whispered, sighing as you sat beside Carl. He looked into the distance, without a speck of emotion visible on his face. Carl Grimes was a boy turned into a man, grown too fast. With dark brown stubble sprouting on his chin and a jaw that could cut, Carl gulped. His Adam's apple bobbed as he did so. He didn't cry- or show any emotion like fear...but he didn't need to. You'd known Carl for the entire apocalypse. You'd known Carl through the pain, sadness and happiness- but if there was one emotion you could see right through, it was his pain.

You reached out, gripping Carl's arm. He didn't respond.
"I'm sorry." You croaked. He looked over at you, without any empathy. He looked over at you like you were just an item. It hurt- but everyone was feeling emotions. Yours were just a lot more different to Carl's.

Suddenly his tough guy demeanour disintegrated and he crumbled under your touch. He gulped again, like he was holding back heavy sobs.
"They were right in front of me." He whispered, his eyes jeweling with tears. "They died right in front of me and I couldn't do anything." He bowed his head and you brought him into a hug, allowing him to cry. That was Carl Grimes. He wanted to save everybody. He wanted everybody to be happy. Often people couldn't see it-  but that was all Carl had ever wanted.

The poor boy had grown in the apocalypse- and found shelter in you. Found friendship within you. He confided in you. So that's why it was time you ripped the bandaid off. It was time you told Carl the secret that you were hiding.

You weren't sure how he'd react. Would he be mad? Would he be sad? Would he be happy? Perhaps that was the scariest question out of all of them.

"Carl." You whispered. "It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault that Glenn and Abe were killed."
Carl pulled away, wiping his face dry to rid the evidence that he too, had feelings.
"Thank you for being here for me, always, Y/n." Carl told you, reaching over and holding your hand. You furrowed your brows.
"Listen Carl, there's something I need to tell you." You paused, feeling like you were losing oxygen with every breath. "I'm pregnant." You finally told him.

Carl froze. He froze right there in his place.
"You're pregnant?" He clarified. You nodded slowly.
"Are you sure?" He asked. You nodded again.
Carl fell silent.
"Y/n...what are we going to do?" His voice was now filled with sheer panic. He was no longer distraught. He was now afraid.
"I don't know." You whispered. "I just know that I'm scared."
Carl squeezed your hand, which gave you a glimmer of hope. It let you know that you weren't alone in this. That Carl wouldn't leave.
"We should tell my dad." He told you, taking in a deep breath. "He'll help us."
"Help us do what?" You exclaimed. Carl bit his lip, his eyes scaling over your stomach.
"He'll help us be good parents."
And with that, you didn't feel a glimmer of hope, you felt an explosion. Maybe things wouldn't be as shit as you were afraid they would be.

You and Carl were so young- so naive and so afraid- but you were doing it together. Together- and that made things a little less scary.

Hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for the request lovely.

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